- And accommodating variables of turnover behavior consists external factor and internal factor. 调节员工离职行为的因素有两个,分别是个体外部因素和组织内在因素;
- While TCM focuses on the internal factor, Western medicine pay attention more to the external ones. 就吃饭而言,食物的色香味形固然很重要,更重要的是吃饭人的心情,胃口。
- Based on the geological result of the scour pit of the Danjiangkou Project,it is expounded that rock mass characteristics are the internal factor in the formation of scour pit. 以丹江口工程冲刷坑地质调查成果为例,阐述了岩体特征是影响冲刷形成的内在因素。
- The destinies of people,talent and material are informally discussed from the internal factor (the stucture of the system) and the external factor(the environment). 从系统的内因(结构)和外因(环境)浅谈人、人才和材料的命运。
- The development of things is fundamentally determined by internal factors. 事物的发展从根本上讲是由内因决定了。
- Whereas, the seed vigor is an important internal factor,but the maximum of which is 39.8% and the average is only up to 34.6%, which is far lower than that of Pinus koraiensis and Cunninghamia lanceolata. 种子活力最高只有39.;8%25;平均只达到34
- Model study primarily covers Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS), Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS), Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE), and so forth. 模型研究主要有层次分析法(AHP)、内外部要素的协同(EFAS)、内部要素的协同(IFAS)、模糊综合评价法(FCE)等方法模型。
- E.Porter’s 5-force-mode, external factor evaluation matrix (EFE), internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE) and SWOT matrix analyzing method in a synthetically analysis and quantitative analysis. 论文运用IFE、EFE和SWOT方法对中国铁路物资总公司物流运作环境进行了综合分析和定量评价;
- The trade activity (external factor) affecting environment and the problem of environmental cost internalization (internal factor) are also analyzed and discussed. 对影响环境的贸易(外部因素)与环境成本内部化(内部因素)问题,分别进行了分析;
- The internal factors caused fibroarthrosis: thermotolerance, innovativeink itself has some sticky. 变成粘连的内涵成不合:油墨本身耐寒性不不对,具有某栽粘性。
- This article only from restricts the international factor this angle which the Chinese peace rises suddenly analyzes, the research and the exploration. 本文仅从制约中国和平崛起的国际因素这一角度去分析、研究和探索。
- External factors, perceptible to users and clients, should be distinguished from internal factors, perceptible to designers and implementors. 用户和客户能察觉到的外部因数,应该和设计者与实现者所能察觉的内在因数有所区别。
- People are influenced by many factors in syllogistic reasoning including internal factors(individual difference)and external(tasks)factors. 人们在推理过程中,受到许多因素的影响,大致可以分为内在(个体差异)因素和外在(任务)因素。
- In this paper, various influencing factors of the crack propagation rate of superalloy are concluded, including external factors and internal factors. 总结了高温合金的裂纹扩展速率的各种影响因素,包括外部因素和内部因素两大类。
- Through the analysis of external and internal factors,the development prospect of PVC industry in Guangxi was discussed. 从外部因素和内部因素进行分析,对广西PVC产业发展战略进行了探讨。
- The second chapter argues about the legal basis of international factoring. 第二部分着重论述了国际保理的法律基础。
- That's a factor which we must not neglect. 这是我们不应忽视的一个因素。
- In my view,all of these negative economic phenomena,which surfaced within such a short span of time,can also be attributed to the internal factors in our own economy. 我认为,上述的经济负面现象,在短短的时间内全部涌现,当中也涉及香港经济内部因素。
- I factor ed my uncle's estate for three years. 我代管我叔父的财产已有三年了。
- Analyzing its major events and activities in recent years and proceeding from the angle of its internal factors, the article forecasts the future orientation of the CIS. 本文主要通过对近年来发生在独联体的重大事件和活动的分析,从内部影响因素的角度出发,预测独联体的未来走向。