- Intermediate drafter 中级制图员
- I've passed the intermediate level exam of Japanese. 我已经通过了日语的中级水平考试。
- A type of cherry intermediate between a sweet and a sour cherry. 公爵樱桃介于甜与酸樱桃之间的一种樱桃
- Gray is intermediate between black and white. 灰色介于黑色和白色之间。
- In an intermediate position; neither wholly one thing nor another. 模棱两可处于中间位置; 不全是这样也不全是那样
- Being at neither one extreme nor the other; intermediate. 中部的,居中的既不在一端,又不在另一端的; 中间的
- So our company is the sponsor and drafter of this standard. 系该标准的提出单位和起草单位。
- The intermediate gear on the car has a problem. 这部车的中速档出了毛病。
- The adaptable Indian rhino is intermediate in size. 适应性强的印度犀牛是中等体型的。
- Jobsindia Engineering Drafter - Mechanical Jobs with SuperVa... 通过此职位或此地点查看工作指数。
- A plane with intermediate range. 中程飞机。
- After college, Michael was drafter by the Chicago Bulls. 大学毕业后,乔丹被公牛队选中。
- No intermediate states are recognized or accepted. 不能识别或接受任何中间状态。
- Steering intermediate shaft to dash panel seal. 连接仪表板油封的转向柱连结齿轮受损或位置错误。
- A: crude medicine with its intermediate. 第一类:原料药及其中间体。
- What is the structure of this intermediate? 这个中间产物的结构是怎样的?
- Term from the intermediate user or group. 以后的术语从中间的用户或组来计算下一个术语。
- Is The Intermediate Stratum Forming in China? 中国的中间阶层正在形成?
- Its drafter's intention was to put sovereignty in the hands of the people. 起草人的意图是要把国家主权置于人民手中。
- One intermediate ring between the two outer rings. 两个外圈之间带一个隔圈。