- Interior Monologue in Ulysses 《尤利西斯》中的内心独白剖析
- He writes dialogue by cut monologue in two. 他把独白切成两截来写对白。
- He write dialogue by cut monologue in two. 他把独白切成两截来写对白。
- He could run offa comedy monologue in half an hour. 他能在半个小时里迅速写出一段喜剧独白。
- He writes dialogue by cutting monologue in two. 他把独白切成两截来写对白。
- He wrote a comedy monologue in half an hour. 他在半个小时里写出了一段喜剧独白。
- He could dash off a comedy monologue in half an hour. 他能在半个小时里迅速写出一段喜剧独白。
- Meanwhile, the reader follows Perowne through his day, mainly via an interior monologue. 读者将通过佩罗恩的内心独白与他一起度过这一天。
- Interior Monologue is the most fundamental,mostly-used and maximallyfunctional skill of stream of consciousness. 内心独白是最基本、使用最多、作用最大的意识流技巧。
- His use of "interior monologue" cause the novel classify as a psychological novel by literary historians. 我突然觉得自己已经失去了这样的勇气,变得很依赖,很不敢。
- Life of Ma Parker" depicts Ma Parker's tragic life by means of two modern techniques such as interior monologue and free association. 帕克大妈的一生》通过内心独白和自由联想两种现代创作技巧描绘了帕克大妈的悲惨命运。
- Deviating from traditional novels that endeavor to depict plots and stories, Ulysses creates the new form with interior monologues as the basic frame and its style is unique and flexible. 《尤利西斯》摒弃传统小说以刻画情节和故事为主旨的小说结构,创建了一种以内心独白为文章框架的叙事模式,其形式独特且灵活。
- He writes dialogues by cutting monologues in two. 他写的对白是将独白割分为二。
- Collage and pastiche are two important parody techniques employed in Ulysses. 摘要拼贴与仿作是《尤利西斯》中两种重要的戏拟技法。
- I spent one year in Ulysses, Kansas (USA) trying to learn English because by that time I had no idea how to say more than one world in English. 我在美国堪萨斯州尤利西斯(Ulysses)花费了一年的时间学习英语,因为直到那时我都不知道如何说一个英语单词。
- They are engaged in interior trade. 他们从事国内贸易。
- Plett's model, though not yet perfect, provides a useful reference frame for a brief survey of the phonological figures in Ulysses. 普利特的语音修辞模式虽说不够完善,但亦为我们提供了一个有益的参照框架。
- Xi'an is a city in the interior of China. 西安是一个内陆城市。
- English Level: Can understand the short, slower dialogue conversation, pronounce clear or monologue in the daily life; can use simple English sentence communicate to foreigner. 英语水平:适合能够理解语速较慢、音清晰的日常短语,能够使用简单的英语和外国人进行交流的学生。
- She specialized in interior design. 她专门从事室内设计。