- Interim Government of Somali 索马里临时政府
- The interim government of Honduras has ordered all Argentine diplomats to leave the country within three days. 洪都拉斯临时政府下令所有阿根廷外交人员在三天之内离开这个国家。
- Venezuela has rejected a demand from the interim government of Honduras that it withdraw its remaining diplomats from the Honduran capital. 洪都拉斯临时政府要求委内瑞拉从洪都拉斯首都撤出剩余外交官,委内瑞拉拒绝了该要求。
- The coupmakers failed because the interim government of bureaucrats and retired soldiers they appointed did a rotten job. 发动政变者的失败是因为过渡政府的官僚机构及其任命的退役军人吧国家治理得一塌糊涂。
- The junta also appointed an interim government of old soldiers and bureaucrats; and created a temporary parliament and another unelected body to write a new constitution. 军政府还任命了由老兵和政客组成的临时政府;建立了临时国会和另一个未经选举的机构撰写新宪法。
- Palestine National Authority The interim government of the Palestinian territories, headed by Yasser Arafat. Israelis, who do not recognize a Palestinian state, always drop the word 'National'. 巴勒斯坦领土的临时政府,由阿拉法特领导。由于以色列方面不承认巴勒斯坦国,他们在称呼这个词时经常把National给省略掉。
- By January 2007, when the army stepped in to install a two-year interim government of unelected technocrats, Bangladesh had topped international corruption rankings for five consecutive years. 2007年一月,军队插足建立起围棋两年的过渡政府,技术官僚未经选举就登上了权力舞台。
- Interim Government of National Unity 民族团结临时政府(临时政府)
- Interim Government of National Unity; 阿富汗临时政府;
- Interim Government of the Nujahidin; 索马里临时政府;
- He ripped off the government of a million dollars. 他诈骗了政府一百万元。
- The local government of this township has some privilege. 这个镇区的当地政府享有一些特权。
- Who will lead the interim government? 谁将领导临时政府?
- Q. Who will lead the interim government? 谁将领导临时政府?
- Agreement on interim governance of Liberia 关于临时管理利比里亚的协议
- They accused the government of muzzling the press. 他们指责政府压制新闻自由。
- The government of the hospital is in chaos. 这家医院的管理陷入一片混乱。
- We suspect the Government of dragging their feet . 我们怀疑政府在拖延。
- Political moderate heads interim government in Peru. 帕尼亚瓜就任秘鲁临时总统。
- Government of a large city is very difficult. 管理一个大城市是非常困难的。