- The interface definition language file. 接口定义语言文件。
- UNO uses UNO-IDL as the interface definition language. UNO使用UNO-IDL作为其接口定义语言。
- Register the proxy and stub generated from Interface Definition Language (IDL). 注册从接口定义语言(IDL)中生成的代理和存根(stub)。
- Parameter names are required even if the compiler doesn't use them, for example, in an interface definition. 即使编译器不使用参数名(例如,在接口定义中),也需要参数名。
- You define the unmanaged type in Interface Definition Language (IDL) and compile it with the MIDL compiler. 您用接口定义语言(IDL)定义非托管类型,然后用MIDL编译器对其进行编译。
- Specify any interface definition language (IDL) settings for the property in the IDL Attributes page of the wizard. 在该向导的IDL属性页中,为属性指定任何接口定义语言(IDL)设置。
- And even a generically implemented service can provide a strongly typed interface definition. 而且,即使采用泛型方式实现的服务也可以提供强类型接口定义。
- Use this page of the Add Property Wizard to specify any interface definition language (IDL) settings for the property. 使用“添加属性向导”的该页为属性指定任何接口定义语言(IDL)设置。
- Statement must be the first non-blank, non-comment line in a class or interface definition. 语句,则该语句必须是类或接口定义中的第一个非空白的非注释行。
- Examples of ICE, including client and server development, as well as the interface definition file. ICE的例子,包括客户端和服务端的开发,以及接口文件的定义。
- Special pins on EURO_SCART-SCART interface definition and functionality of introduction. 详细说明: SCART接口的定义和功能介绍。
- In other words, an application cannot completely defer to a message instance from the service interface definition alone. 也就是说,应用程序可以不完全单独遵从来自服务接口定义的消息实例。
- Finally, the abstract service interface definition defines the operations that can be used and the input and output data types. 最后,抽象服务接口定义定义了能够使用的操作,以及输入和输出数据的类型。
- Thus, the Web service implementation can use the subclasses, but since they do not appear in the interface definition, cannot send them in messages. 因此,Web服务实现可以使用子类,但由于他们没有出现在接口定义中,所有不能在消息中发送他们。
- Interfaces are specified using an Interface definition language (IDL). 接口使用接口定义语言(IDL)描述。
- The Interface Definition Language maps back to a number of existing programming languages,which means CORBA can support many different programming languages and platforms,even within a single application. 接口定义语言可以映射到现有的很多编程语言,这意味着甚至在单一应用程序中,CORBA能支持很多不同编程语言和平台。
- The service domain owner should provide a common service interface definition as the reference implementation for interested service providers that are likely to spread out across multiple locations. 服务域的所有者应该为感兴趣的服务提供者提供公共的服务接口定义作为参考实现,因为他们可能希望在多个地点开展自己的服务。
- The Web Service Description Language (WSDL) defines the Web interface definition for any RPC functions exposed on the HTTP endpoint and also describe the SQL batch functionality for the endpoint. Web服务描述语言(WSDL)用于为所有在HTTP端点上公开的RPC函数定义Web接口定义,并且还说明了端点的SQL批处理功能。
- The Interface Definition Language maps back to a number of existing programming languages, which means CORBA can support many different programming languages and platforms, even within a single application. 接口定义语言可以映射到现有的很多编程语言,这意味着甚至在单一应用程序中,corba能支持很多不同编程语言和平台。
- Can you give me a definition of this word? 你能告诉我这个单字的定义吗?