- Intelligent Mobile Equipment 智能移动终端
- In absence of a unified system platform for the software at the client side, there exist numerous developing platforms just for intelligent mobile phone. 而手机端的软件由于没有统一的系统平台,单单是智能手机就有多种开发平台
- MS Mobile Station. This comprises the mobile equipment (usually a phone) and the SIM card. 移动配置。包含移动式设备(通常是个电话)和SIM卡。
- The universities have "Task Forces" armed with mobile equipment in addition to their fixed stations. 大学有一些“特别委员会”,这些委员会除了装备有一些固定台站外,还有轻便的设备。
- Daily prestart inspections of mobile equipment must be carried out and relevant documentation completed. 每天启动移动设备前必须进行预先检查,并完成相关文件和表格的填写。
- All mobile equipment shall have a reversing beeper fitted and must be in good working order at all times. 在操作移动设备,和驾驶移动设备在施工现场移动时,必须戴上安全带。
- A logbook is to be kept with each piece of mobile equipment which will show checks carried out and repairs made. 并且,在需要的时候,应携带所需检查设备的现行申明证书。
- Taking advantage of the innovation mentioned above, the whole software had clear structure and higher code efficiency. Different kinds of streaming-media could be played smoothly on intelligent mobile phone with CPU frequency of 200 MHz. 依靠上述创新,整个软件做到了结构清晰、代码高效,多种媒体文件能够在主频200兆赫兹的智能手机CPU上流畅播放。
- "Gu Ge is latitudinal " also exist to ask certainly to the mobile equipment of the user. “谷歌纬度”对用户的移动设备也存在一定要求。
- Otherness of this kind of product will be the body that exceeds plan of mobile equipment sale. 这种产物差别性将是超挪动行动措施营销打算的首要部门。”
- Data transmission of mobile equipment taking radio communication as the main way is more weaker in security and reliability sides than wire system. 以无线通信为主要手段的移动设备数据传输,在安全性和可靠性方面比有线系统更为脆弱。
- The Indian government has banned the importation of all handsets that do not support the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number. 印度政府日前宣布,凡是没有IMEI(国际移动设备识别码)的手机不得进口到印度。
- With widely available mobile equipment such as Personal Digital Assistant e. G. Palm handheld or mobile phone, business processes can now be easily integrated more tightly. 个人流动数位助理工具,如:掌上电脑、手机等等,可以更会被集合使用。
- intelligent mobile action of naval ship 舰艇智能机动
- This paper realizes accessing Internet with wireless and mobile equipment by use of transforming from XML to WML in means of XSLT technology based on WAP strategy. 本文基于基本WAP体系结构,并结合XSLT技术,通过从XML到WML的转换,实现了互联网上无线设备的接入。
- Grounding/Bonding Systems shall be used to ensure that ESDS items, personel and other conductors (e.g. mobile equipment) are at the same electrical potential. 必须用接地/连接系统来确保静电敏感产品,人以及其他导体(比如可移动设备)处于相同的电位。
- Mr Birkl said: "It's very useful for the health care industry - where there are highly expensive pieces of mobile equipment that move around a hospital. 这项技术在医疗机构十分有用。医院里有许多价格昂贵的移动设备。
- The memory framework of mass mobile equipment, it is although rate is slow,by high speed exercise is mixed with memory DRAM, but memory capacity is larger shine put form. 大大都挪动行动措施的存储器架构,是由高速功课用存储DRAM和当然速度慢、但存储容量较大的闪存组成的。
- Wrong idea obstruct using coulometer in intelligent mobile phone 错误观念妨碍电量计在智能手机中的应用
- My teacher is as kind as (she is) intelligent. 我的老师不但善良而且聪慧。