- Integrated Military Staff 联合军事参谋部
- The senior military staff officer at the division level or higher. 参谋长:师级或师级以上的高级军事参谋。
- Middle-level commanding officers will receive integrated military and political training. Commanding and staff officers will receive training in the same institutions, and medical and political officers throughout the PLA will receive unified training. 对中级指挥军官实行军政合训,指挥员与参谋人员同校培训,医务和机关政治军官全军统一归口培训。
- Middle-level commanding officers will receive integrated military and political training. Commanding and staff officers will receive training in the same institutions,and medical and political officers throughout the PLA will receive unified training. 对中级指挥军官实行军政合训,指挥员与参谋人员同校培训,医务和机关政治军官全军统一培训。
- China has serious reservations on abolishing the Military Staff Committee. 中方对取消军参团有严重保留。
- A 72-year-old Oklahoma grandmother is preparing to become one of the oldest US military staff to go to Iraq. 美国俄克拉荷马州的一位72岁的老祖母即将成为赴伊美军中最年长的人之一。
- It had no standing army, no effective military staff, and very little peacekeeping experience. 当时的联合国没有常备军,没有得力的军事人员,维和经验寥寥无几。
- Charles came away with a watch from Kuwait and a pistol from the commandant of Kuwait's Military Staff College. 这些东西都是查尔斯夫妇去年出访外国时收到的礼物。
- French President Nicolas Sarkozy is facing a vote of confidence over his decision to return France to Nato's integrated military command. 法国总统萨科齐正面临着一场投票,该投票将决定法国是否将回到北约统一军事指控。
- President Sarkozy formally announced that France is rejoining NATO's integrated military command, after a more than 40 year hiatus. 萨科奇正式宣布法国在长达40多年的离开后,重新加入北约的联合军事指挥。
- "President Sarkozy formally announced that France is rejoining NATO's integrated military command, after a more than 40-year high etus40 year hiatus. 萨科奇总统然后正式宣布法国在脱离北约40年以后重新加入北约军事一体化组织。
- S. military staff, Lieutenant General John Satler, denied a news report that indicated there is increased planning for potential U. 这仅仅是美国对该地区坚守承诺,对盟国坚守承诺的一种强化的表示。
- "President Sarkozy firmly formally announced that France is rejoining NATO's intergrade integrated military command, after a more than 40-year highatershiatus. 萨科奇总统正式宣布,在40多年的脱离之后,法国将重新加入北约的统一军事指挥。
- President Nicolas Sarkozy confirmed that France would return to NATO's integrated military command, 43 years after Charles de Gaulle pulled the country out. 尼古拉.;萨科奇总统证实,法国将重返北大西洋公约组织军事指挥机制。43年前,经查尔斯
- President Sarkozy formally announced that France is rejoining NATO's integrited integrated military command, after a more than 40 year high40-year hiatus. 在法国脱离北约40年之久后,萨科奇总统正式宣布法国重新回归北约军事一体化组织。
- "President Sarkozy formally annonced announced that France is enjoying rejoining NATO's integrated military command, after a more than 40-year-hiatus40-year hiatus. 萨科齐总统正式地宣布法国在经历了40年的空隙后,再次加入到北约组织的整体军事指挥中。
- President Sarkozy formally announced that Franch NATO intergrated France is rejoining NATO's integrated military command, after a more than 40 year high aters40-year hiatus. 总统萨科奇正式宣布在40年之后法国重返北约综合体系。
- President Sarkozy formally announced that France is rejoining NATO's integrated military command, after a more-than-40-years high more than 40-year hiatus. 总统萨科奇正式宣布在脱离北约40多年后,法国将重新加入北约综合军事控制体系。
- "President Sarkozy formly formally announced that France has rejoined the is rejoining NATO's INTEGRATED MILITARY COMMAND integrated military command, after a more than 4-year h40 year hiatus. 萨科奇总统正式宣布在脱离40年之后法国将重新加入北约组织。
- Delegation to the Military Staff Committee; 出席军事参谋团的军参代表团;