- The toll fee is not included in the fare. 车费不包含过路过桥费。
- Insurance fee is not included 不含保险
- The application fee is not refundable. 报名费不予以退还。
- Sorry,joining fee is not refundable. 对不起,报名费恕不退还。
- Air taxes, Thailand Visa Fees, personal travel insurance fees are not included. 价格不含机票税金,燃油附加费,签证费及个人消费。
- The domain name is not included. 不包含域名。
- The subject is not included in the curriculum. 这门课并不包括在课程表内。
- Hand carried luggage is not included. 手提行李不包括在内。
- The prices above do not include airport tax and insurance fees. 价钱并不包括机埸税及保险费。
- Service is not included in the room rate. 服务费不包括在房租里。
- Hand-carried luggage is not included. 手提行李不包括在内。
- Penalty for late stamping is not included in the program. 逾期加盖印花罚款并未包括在内;
- Reading environment variables is not included in this access level. 此访问级别不包括读取环境变量。
- A person who is not included in a group;an outsider. 局外人,外来人被排斥在一群人之外的人;组织之外的人
- A person who is not included in a group; an outsider. 局外人,外来人:被排斥在一群人之外的人;组织之外的人。
- If the participant is not an TSS member, a non-member course fee is required. 参加者若非本会会员,须缴交非会员费用。
- Ibuprofen is not included in any OTC drug monograph. 没有任何一个OTC专著包括布洛芬。
- Earning processing fee is not the sole object of our accepting order for processing of supply material. 赚取加工费并不是我们接受来料加工订单的唯一目标。
- The left flipper get too tight, causing the feed is not the best. 左右两侧挡板靠的太紧,导致送纸不顺利。