- She gave me instructions on how to apply the tint. 她告诉我如何使用染发剂。
- She give me instructions on how to apply the tint. 她告诉我如何使用染发剂。
- Consult the release note for explicit instructions on how to do this. 关于如何做请参阅版本说明中的详细指导
- Are there any instructions on how to take the medicine? 如何服用此药有说明吗?
- Instructions on how to survive 救生方法须知
- You will hear Miss Wang give instructions on how to use a Bunsen burner. 你将听到王小姐给出如何正确使用煤气灯的说明。
- For instructions on how to view the Attributes column, see steps 5a and 5b. 有关如何查看“属性”列的说明,请参见步骤5a和5b。
- See below for instructions on how to add your own stock data sources. 请参见下文了解有关如何添加您自己的股票数据源的说明。
- Provides instructions on how to generate a proxy class for a Web Service. 提供有关如何生成Web服务的代理类的说明。
- Lester: We gave you specific instructions on how to package the boards. 雷斯特:我们给了你们明确的指示该怎麽包装这些音效卡。
- The huge bathhouses were outlawed in 1984, and gay men crowded into meeting rooms to hear the latest on how to survive. 庞大的浴室被取缔1984年和男同志挤在会议室听取最新的关于如何生存。
- The librarian gave me instructions on how to use the book-search system. 图书管理员教了我如何使用书籍查找系统。
- Tic Tac has a website that features instructions on how to use the new package. 抽动战术有一个网站,功能说明如何使用新的软件包。
- Consult the product documentation for instructions on how to enable expanded memory. 请参阅产品的文档,以获得关于使用扩充内存的指令。
- Provides instructions on how to access a Web Service from a client application written in managed code. 提供有关如何访问用托管代码编写的客户端应用程序中Web服务的说明。
- Provides instructions on how to asynchronously access a Web Service from a client application written in managed code. 提供有关如何异步访问用托管代码编写的客户端应用程序中Web服务的说明。
- If you aren't a registered user, the sign-in page contains instructions on how to quickly register! 如果您不是注册用户,登录页面上将为您提供快速注册的指导信息!
- How to survive yellow jackets in the garden. 如何生存黄色夹克的园林。
- On the final wizard page, review the instructions on how to add spaces to your drawing, and then click Finish. 在向导的最后一页中,阅读有关如何向绘图添加空间的说明,然后单击“完成”。
- How to survive a recession or slow economy! 如何生存衰退或缓慢,经济!