- Gwendolyn Hatcher, former inspector general of the city Department of Cultural Affairs, told a federal jury that an outraged Myerson stormed into her office with three of her top aides in tow. 前[纽约]市文化局调查主任哈彻告诉联邦陪审团说:怒气冲冲的迈尔森带领着她的三个高级幕僚闯入她的办公室。
- Out of the blue, Sukhreet testified, Bess said come work for me at the department of cultural affairs and simultaneously go to law school. 苏克里特作证说,贝斯突如其来地说:到我的文化局来工作,同时还可以在法学院念书。
- Out of the blue,Sukhreet testified,Bess said come work for me at the department of cultural affairs and simultaneously go to law school. 苏克里特作证说,贝斯突如其来地说:到我的文化局来工作,同时还可以在法学院念书。
- "China and America have a very close relationship," said Zonguang Guo, the consul and director of cultural affairs for the Chicago office. “中美之间有紧密的联系”,中国驻芝加哥领事馆文化组长郭宗光说。
- Gwendolyn Hatcher,former inspector general of the city Department of Cultural Affairs,told a federal jury that an outraged Myerson stormed into her office with three of her top aides in tow. 前[纽约]市文化局调查主任哈彻告诉联邦陪审团说:怒气冲冲的迈尔森带领着她的三个高级幕僚闯入她的办公室。
- Hatcher, former inspector general of the city Department of Cultural Affairs, told a federal jury that an outraged Myerson stormed into her office with three of her top aides in tow. 前[纽约]市文化局调查主任哈彻告诉联邦陪审团说:怒气冲冲的迈尔森带领着她的三个高级幕僚闯入她的办公室。
- Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macau S.A.R. 澳门特别行政区政府文化局。
- "We give today to the National Institute of Culture a group of objects which belong to the cultural patrimony of all Peruvians. “今天,我们把一批文物移交给国家文化研究所,这是所有秘鲁人的文化遗产。
- The archaeologists at the Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage excavated some sets of barding in Haman County, South Gyeongsang, in 1992.Plain metal armor has also been unearthed. 光州国家文化遗产研究院的考古学家曾于1992年在庆尚南道的Haman县发掘出数套马具装,并曾发掘出平板铠甲。
- This is Ms. Lin of Beijing Institute of Physics. 这是北京物理研究所的林女士。
- Technical Institute of Helsinki: Helsinki; f.1881. 赫尔辛基技术学院:赫尔辛基;1916年成立。
- Council for Cultural Affairs Executive Yuan, R.O.C. 行政院文化建设委员会策划主办。
- Centro Nacional de Artes Populares y Artesanias (Popular Arts and Crafts Center) is part of the Puerto Rico Institute of Culture, displays and offers for sale a verity of island crafts. 国立电信中心与借鉴肽Yartesanias(热门手工艺品中心)是波多黎各的研究所文化显示器提供了真实的岛屿工艺品出售.
- Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Ltd. 香港生物科技研究院有限公司
- Institute of Botany, St Petersburg ? 圣彼得堡植物学研究所
- Institute of Physiology, St Petersburg ? 圣彼得堡生理学研究所
- Economic growth requires opening doors for development and commercialization of cultural industries based on traditional knowledge and cooperation among research institutes of developing and developed countries. 要实现经济增长,就需要开放门户,开发基于传统知识的文化产业,并实现其商业化,让发展中国家与发达国家的研究机构之间进行合作。
- People concentrate in cities not only to get jobs but to take advantage of cultural facilities. 人们聚集在城市不仅是为就业,而且是为享用文化设施。
- Structural Engineering Institute of the American S. 美国土木工程师学会结构工程研究所。