- Alkali soil is suitable for this kind of crop. 卤质土壤适合这种作物生长。
- The amount of rain affects the growth of crops. 雨量影响作物的生长。
- Repeated pruning to control size causes loss of crop. 反复修剪;以控制规模造成的损失的作物.
- But higher temperatures will increase the risk of crop failures. 但是,更高的温度将增加作物歉收的风险。
- The richness of the soil favored the growth of crops. 土地的肥沃有利于运动员的生长。
- The rotation of crops keeps the soil healthy and fertile. 谷物轮种使土壤保持了肥力和高质。
- Chemical fertilizers advance the growth of crops. 化肥促进庄稼生长。
- Incorporation of crop residues; conventional tillage. 把作物残体混入土壤的传统耕作制。
- Water is essential to the growth of crops. 水是庄稼生长所必需的。
- The strong wind did damage to a lot of crops. 这场大风使许多农作物受损。
- I know all the ins and outs of our school building. 我知道我们教学大楼的一切情况。
- What types of crops are planted in this area? 这个地区种植什么农作物?
- Therefore, discussing the stresses and stra- ins of Burgers body under external forces has not only the theoretical import- ance in rheology, but also the practical significance. 因此,研究Burgers体在外力作用下的应力和应变,不仅具有流变学理论上的价值,而且有很大的现实意义。
- Failure of crops often results in famine. 歉收常引起饥荒.
- Objective To study if staphylococcus au reus can be internalized by cultured human osteoblasts and to compare three stra ins of S.aureus in their abilities of invasion. 目的明确金黄色葡萄球菌能否侵入体外培养的人成骨细胞,并比较三个不同菌株在侵入能力上的差异。
- A lot of crops were damaged by the frost. 这次霜冻, 受害的庄稼不少。
- Failure of crops often results in famine . 歉收常引起饥荒。
- Studying of crop assessment system and its knowledge expression in agriculture. 设施农业中的作物评估系统及其知识表达研究。
- The choices of crop are diverse ? from corn to rapeseed and jatropha. 种植此类作物的选择有很多种??玉米、油菜籽和麻枫树都可以。
- Abstract: Microelement fertilizer is very important to the growth of crop. 文章摘要: 微量元素对作物生长发育有重要作用。