- Inoue Izumi 井上泉(1916-),日本人,众议员。
- Kosei Inoue ranks among the tenth dan. 井上康生是10段。
- Antheraea yamamai superba Inoue. 大透目天蚕蛾.
- Enormous, fat letters, avec des choses inou?es. 大量的、厚厚的、闻所未闻的信件。
- We all look forward to enjoying Izumi's live music soon! 希望将来高田小姐能再来港为我们带来更精采的音乐和演出!
- Tsuyoshi was pegged as a male three months after birth, Inoue said. 相关人士说,“幼年的雌雄北极熊在外表上几乎没有区别,很难判定性别。”
- Seeing Izumi s fear, Toru tries to help her but is also approached by that devil. 而使整个事件陷入奇妙圈套的又是什麽?充满谜团和战栗感的悬疑推理剧即将展开。
- With his romantic style and original and creative language, Izumi Kyoka had a great impact on Japanese literature. 泉镜花以独特的浪漫主义风格和独创的精湛语言艺术独树一帜,对日本文学影响深远。
- Izumi said a team of officials from the ministry were assessing the extent of damage. 泉信也称本部门的调查组正在对地震的损毁程度进行评定。
- Ichigo part: What are you talking about Inoue? Just stand back! I will take care. 井上你在说什么?快停下!我会在乎。
- Nell yells to Inoue who hesitates: ichigo fights for your sake, why are you afraid of him! 妮尔对着正在犹豫的织姬大声地说:一护是为你而战斗,那你为什么害怕一护呢!
- In any case, says Dr Inoue, the laws really just encapsulate commonsense principles that are already applied to the design of most modern appliances, both domestic and industrial. 无论如何,井上博士认为,在家庭和工业领域,大部分产品都已经采用了三定律中常识性的原理的设计。
- Hongo was born in the nearby town of Isen,home to the late Shigechiyo Izumi,who also held the Guinness record as the world's oldest person. 本乡出生在Isen附近的小镇,这里也是已逝的Shigechiyo Izumi老人的故乡,Izumi老人曾经是吉尼斯记录的保持者。
- Takamiya, K., Sadao, M. and Inoue, K., "Speed change device for bicycle," U.S.Patent No. 4,838,122, June 1989. 陈弘轩,自行车内变速器系统之电脑辅助设计,国立中山大学机械与机电工程研究所硕士论文,中华民国九十四年六月。
- Rukia, Chad, Ishida and Renji, to bring back Inoue, so (they) can't be defeated! 跟露基亚、茶渡、石田和恋次一起把井上带回去,所以他们不能被打败!
- Japanese electone player is invited to come to Hong Kong to be the guest performer every year. This year we were very honoured to have Ms Izumi Takada. 大会每年均会从日本邀请当地的年轻音乐家到来作表演嘉宾,今年有幸邀得高田和泉小姐来港演出。
- Takasi S, Yanaki M, Inoue K.Antimicrobial agents from Bletilla Striata [J]. phytochem, 1983, 22(4):1011. 贾仁烈;孙在原;王仲德;等.;中药水浸剂在试管内抗皮肤真菌的观察[J]
- Hongo was born in the nearby town of Isen, home to the late Shigechiyo Izumi, who also held the Guinness record as the world's oldest person. 本乡出生在Isen附近的小镇,这里也是已逝的Shigechiyo Izumi老人的故乡,Izumi老人曾经是吉尼斯记录的保持者。
- In this regard, Inoue years experience of cooperation with Softbank may provide many facilities for Baidu. 在这方面,井上多年来与软银的合作经验可能会为百度提供不少便利。
- Izumi is taken by surprise and keeps refusing at first.However, she ends up becoming the 8th kumicho of the Medaka Gumi! 水手服和机关枪这两个根本不搭调物品,从此便产生了联系,记录下一个女高中生阴差阳错变身黑社会老大,并带著目高组的手下浪迹江湖共同打拼的故事。