- Initial Point Linger - web 起点徘徊
- An ulcer located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen. 初疮病原体最初侵入的那点处的溃疡
- An initial point of or opportunity for entry. 开端,渗入出发点或进入的机会
- An ordinal number indicating an initial point or origin. 零序数中表示最初的点或原点
- Seeking out Info thats sports Instinct or initial point of view while Avoiding Info that Contradicts it. 人们总是寻求那些能够支持自己先前观点或论点的信息,而不是那些与先前观点相违背的信息。
- A diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism requires careful clinical suspicion as an initial point. 摘要肺栓塞的诊断,通常需要谨慎的临床怀疑作为起始点。
- Moreover, the modified aggregate constraint homotopy method also enlarges the choice scope of the initial point. 改进的凝聚约束同伦法还扩大了初始点的选择范围。
- This is an initiation point for any unexpected event. 这是任何意料之外的事件的一个启动点。
- The experimental results for the initial point of net vapor generation in up-flow subcooled boiling in an internally-heated annulus are given. 给出了在低压条件下,竖直的环形通道内,流动欠热沸腾过程中净蒸汽产生起始点的实验结果。
- The hairspring produces the force to produce recovering forceon the rotating shaft to ensure it coming back the initial point. 机械结构部分主要以游丝产生回复力,使传感器转轴能准确而平稳地回到起始位置点。
- This paper introduces the trundle gray GM(1,1) model, which is improved from GM(1,1) model and has the best initial point and cuts down system errors. 使用改进的GM(1,1)模型,即滚动灰色GM(1,1)模型,其中模型初始点是动态且最佳的,并减少了系统误差。
- Its computation deeply depends on the initial point, and easily falls into non-global optima.It is a new attemp t to apply Genetic Algorithm to the solutions of optimization ... 运用遗传算法来解决费托合成反应详细动力学模型的参数优化问题,是一种全新的尝试,通过系统的实验我们获得了比较满意的参数估算结果,证明该算法用于解决动力学模型参数优化是非常有效的。
- The often-used method, sequence quadratic programming(SQP)is easily trapped in the local point and depends on the initial point despite its quick convergence. 常用的序贯二次规划(SQP)收敛速度快,但依赖初始值,易陷入局部极小。
- The often-used method, sequence quadratic programming (SQP) is easily trapped in the local point and depends on the initial point despite its quick convergence. 常用的序贯二次规划(SQP)收敛速度快,但依赖初始值,易陷入局部极小。
- Several models for calculating the initial points of subcooled boiling were introduced. 介绍了国外几个典型的计算流动欠热沸腾起始点的模型。
- The main results of our paper are as follows: present a Chinese text clustering model; obtain a Chinese text algorithm which can select better initial point and a DBTC clustering algorithm which can identify cluster with any shape. 本文获得的主要结果:提出了一个中文文本聚类模型,提出一种选取初始聚类中心的中文文本聚类算法和一种能发现任意形状簇的DBTC聚类方法。
- First, a special normal transversal at the initial point is constructed and a second-order Taylor's algorithm is used to trace the projections along the aforementioned normal transversal. 首先构造初始点处的一条特殊的法截线,并给出沿着该法截线追踪投影点的二阶泰勒迭代方法;
- The results can tend toward infinity at different rates or toward zero, even though the initial points are very close together. 结果以不同速率趋向无限大或趋向零,即使初试点是非常接近。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- With the points in the chaotic zones as the initial points, all of the solutions of the equation can be found by Newton Raphson method. 从非线性方程的混沌区中取足够密集的点作为初始点 ,用牛顿迭代法就可以求出方程的全部解。