- Initial Full Power 初始全功率
- The initial full population can take a long time. 初始完全填充可能需要很长时间。
- No laser prolonged full power operation! 严禁激光器长时间满功率运行!
- High-power microwave weapons - full power ahead? 简氏:高功率微波武器-前面是全功率?
- I give you full power to act for me. 全权代我处理。
- EB: Sir, full power into the core of the whirlpool. 海尔兄;爷爷,开足马力,让船冲入最大的旋涡。
- Director who attend board meetings, but do not enjoy the full power of a director. 参加董事会会议但不完全享受董事权力的董事。
- Grimm I'm in takeoff position on the runway. Engines, full power! 到达跑道起飞的位置。引擎,出力最大!
- Power- This puts KITT from standby to full power mode. 电力-这使得基特从待机状态到全功率模式。
- We will apply the full power of the law to regain possession of our property. 我们将发挥法律的全部力量重新占有我们的财产。
- The sequence of transaction log backups is continuous from the initial full database backup created at 8:00 A.M. To the last transaction log backup created at 8:00 P.M. 从上午8:00创建的初始完整数据库备份一直到晚上8:00创建的最后事务日志备份,事务日志备份序列保持连续。
- We will apply the full power of the law to regain possession of our property . 我们将发挥法律的全部力量重新占有我们的财产。
- Full power is supplied only when the drive is engaged into the ring gear. 仅当传动装置和齿圈咬和,才能输出全部功率。
- Full power straight ahead first, then push over, flapping, to a vertical dive. 他先是全速前进.然后一转身,拍着翅膀,垂直疾降。
- Specification indicated based on initial full battery charge tested in laboratories with Bluetooth switched off. Actual performance is dependent on network service provider and usage. 所得数据乃在实验室使用完全充电电池及在关掉蓝芽功能的情况下获得。实际表现视乎个别网络服务商及用户使用特性而定。
- The full power hydraulic brake system has several advantages over traditional brake actuation systems. 摘要全动力液压制动系统与传统制动系统相比具有很多优点。
- Director who attend board meetings,but do not enjoy the full power of a director. 参加董事会会议但不完全享受董事权力的董事。
- We will apply the full power of the law to get possession of our property again. 我们将充分运用法律权利,重新获得我们的财产。
- A pyro can manifest this power even if she would normally be too low in level to do so, but she must pay the full power point cost. 即使真实等级不足以使用该异能的操焰者也可使用它,但无论如何他都必须完全支付灵能点费用。
- Great Tool Support. You can harness the full power of ASP. NET using any text editor-- even Notepad! 强大工具支持.;你可以在任何编辑器轻松的发挥出asp