- JOPES Information Requirements JOPES 信息需求
- Information Requirements JOPES 信息需求
- Information requirements(EDI, the Internet, e-mail,etc. 资料需求(EDI,网际网路,电子邮件,等等。)
- The records furnished the information required. 记录提供所需资料。
- Over the years, drupa has evolved and expanded to match information requirements of the global print community. 近年来,drupa一直不断地调整其发展的步伐,使之与全球印刷行业日益增长的信息需求相匹配。
- Information requirements and technology and process enablers for achieving enterprise integration will be addressed. 资讯需求、科技与流程这些使企业完成整合的要素将被阐述。
- Please fill in the card giving all the information required. 请填写好卡片,把要填的项目填清楚。
- The SENTINEL meter enables you to manage your current information requirements while maintaining the flexibility you need to meet future challenges. SENTINEL仪表不仅能用来高效管理当今的信息需求,同时还提供了可满足未来挑战的灵活性。
- Typically, WCF applications specify SOAP faults with detail types specific to the error information requirements of the client. 通常,WCF应用程序使用特定于客户端错误信息要求的详细信息类型来指定SOAP错误。
- The method could educe the same evaluating result as the existing method, and could reduce about 60% information requirements as the previous method. 实例表明,约简后的指标体系可以获得原有指标体系的分类结果,但比原有模型少了60%25的指标,大大减少了信息的需求量,为农机化水平评价提供了一种新的途径。
- The Trade Practices Act in Division 1A of Part V deals with the issue of the safety of products sold to consumers by corporations and details product information requirements. 贸易法第五部分第一节A就公司售给消费者的产品安全问题作了规定,并详细规定了有关产品说明的要求。
- The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has issued a guidance document to clarify information requirements for General Conformity Certificates (GCC). 消费者产品安全委员会( CPSC )发布了一个指导性文件,以澄清信息要求一般合格证书(海合会) 。
- Storage for additional information required by custom conflict resolvers. 存储自定义冲突解决程序所需的其他信息。
- The information required is specified in the document library settings. 所需的信息在文档库设置中进行指定。
- To enter into a computer the information required to begin a session. 输入指令开始往计算机内输入开始一个程序的信息
- The thesis, a combination of psychology, artificial intelligence and computer technology, studies how the human computer interface dynamically suits a particular user and his or her tasks at hand to meet his or her information requirements perfectly. 论文结合了心理学、人工智能和计算机技术,研究了用户多种信息资源需求下,人机交互界面如何动态适应当前用户和当前任务:即如何为用户、任务和对话环境裁剪恰当的内容并提供恰当的交互形式。 fl博士学位论文
- The business reasoning for this is almost always justified, as the different participating business partners currently have, and will continue to have, different information requirements. 其业务论据几乎总证明是合理的,因为共同参与的不同业务伙伴从现在到今后都会有不同的信息需求。
- To avoid duplication, it is understood that Members will accept information provided on an annual basis by China to other WTO bodies as satisfying the information requirements in Annex 1. 为避免重复,各方理解,成员们将接受中国每年向其他WTO机构提供信息即满足附件1中的信息要求。
- Object that specifies information required for the manifest-based activation of a new application domain. 对象,指定以基于清单的方式激活新的应用程序域所需的信息。
- Fill in the information required on the Create a Return form, following the instructions on the page. 依页面上的指示,填写建立退件表格所需的资料。