- The information extracting ability of the new method WT-HCA was investigated. 以文献拟南芥代谢物组数据为例,考察了所建立方法提取代谢物组信息的能力。
- A method for automatic fringe extracting and coding (interferogram charac teristic information extracting) with digital image-processing technique is dev eloped. 介绍了一种用于计算全息数字波面干涉仪中采用数字图像处理技术采集干涉图的特征信息的方法。
- Coreference resolution is necessary for information extraction. 消解共指,是进行信息提取的一个基本任务。
- This paper discusses the concept and characteristic of information extract technology as well as its types and application analysis in modem digital library. 摘要文中论述了信息抽取技术的概念与特点,类型与方法以及在现代数字图书馆中的应用分析。
- A system called BAIE(Book Abstract Information Extraction system),which is based on frame semantic,is designed and used to extract information from book abstract. 设计了基于框架语义的BAIE(图书内容简介信息抽取)系统,并对图书的内容简介试行信息抽取。
- Water body information extracting 水体信息提取
- Chinese chunk extractor will surely be applied to text partial parsing, computer-aided chunk bank construction, WSD, and information extraction. 中文语块抽取器将可用于中文文本的部分分析,计算机辅助的中文语块库的建设,结构和语义消歧,以及将可成为信息抽取(如实体、事件等)的工具。
- Web information extraction techniques were applied to Web information query,reconstruction and reuse. 为了实现对Web信息的查询、重构和再利用;人们采用了Web信息抽取技术.
- Abstract :The coreference resolution is an important subtask of information extraction. 摘要:共指消解是信息抽取中一个重要子任务。
- Technology of information extraction (IE) can provide high-quality service for retrieval. 摘要信息抽取技术能够提供高质量的检索服务。
- Data mining is an information extraction activity whose goal is to discover hidden facts contained in databases. 数据挖掘是信息提取的活动,其目标是发现隐藏的事实数据库。
- Michael White, Tanya Korelsky, Claire Cardie.Multi-document Summarization via Information Extraction. 车万翔,刘挺,李生.;实体关系自动抽取
- TF-IDF does not consider the relationship between words and is important in information extraction. 针对此缺点,提出了一种新的基于关键词语和词语共现频率的特征选择和权重计算方法。
- Based on GIS software, modelsof weak information extraction are actualized and the expert-grading model for integrated evaluation isdeveloped. 基于gis软件,实现了弱信息提取模型,并开发了专家打分综合评价模型。
- The status of the pump valve can be described precisely by a few parameters, therefore the failure feature information extraction is greatly simplified. 由于仅用较少的几个参数就可完成对泵阀状态较准确的描述,大大简化了泵阀故障特征的提取。
- U. Y. Nahm, "Text Mining with Information Extraction, " PhD thesis, Department of Computer Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, TX, Aug. 2004. 章秉纯,以机器学习与文字探勘技术解整合文件分类问题,国立台湾大学资讯工程学系硕士学位论文,2002。
- Based on information extraction, support vector mac hi nes and K-NN were used for protein name extraction from biomedical literatures. 基于信息提取理论,采取支持向量机和K近邻两种机器学习方法,对生物医学文献中蛋白质名称提取问题进行了相关研究;
- Ciravegna F.Adaptive information extraction from text by rule induction and generalisation[D].Department of Computer Science,Universitv of Sheffield. 姜吉发.;自由文本的信息抽取模式获取的研究[D]
- At the same time, this thesis dissertated detailedly the technology nodus and the realization of information extraction. 同时,对中文信息提取涉及的技术难点和信息提取的实现过程也作了较为详尽的论述。
- Fraunhofer IAIS focusses on research and development on innovative systems for data analysis and information extraction, in software and in hardware. 该研究所集中于研究和开发用于数据分析和信息提取的系统软件和硬件.