- Information Item Only 仅参考项目
- Is the attribute information item for the signature element. 是签名元素的属性信息项。
- Therefore I will forward to you a payment for the item ONLY, and leave it to you to no doubt repost it on e-bay. 因此我只将会转寄给你付款, 而且对没有怀疑对你让它在电子海湾上再邮寄它。
- The child is the character information item, meaning that the item contains alphanumerical characters. 子项是字符信息项,即包含字母数字字符的项。
- Is used to declare that an information item in the XML schema represents some class of thing. 用于声明XML模式中的信息项代表某类事物。
- Another important difference is the specialward financial adjustment allocations, an expenditure item only found in Tokyo. 另一个重要区别是,只有东京设有特别区财政调整交付金这个岁出科目。
- I use my calendar for appointments and day-specific items only. 我只用日程表记录约会和有固定日期的活动。
- These elements are also known as the element information items. 这些元素也称为元素信息项。
- Tribute to Dedicated Insanity (10 Player) - Meet the criteria for A Tribute to Insanity without any raid member having used an item only obtainable from 25-player Coliseum, or any more powerful item. 疯狂的贡品-10人英雄难度下,达到疯狂的贡品条件(在剩余50次或更多尝试次数的情况下,完成大十字军试炼并取得贡品),同时团队内无人使用从25人十字军竞技场获得的,或任何更强大的装备。
- So at present the three items only have the sticker in Ukrainian but without barcode. 所以现在那三款产品就只有乌克兰语标签而没有条形码。
- You store the information items you want to track in fields (also called columns). 可以在字段(也称为列)中存储要跟踪的信息项。
- Columns are also called fields, which are the information items you want to track. 列也称为字段,是要跟踪的信息项。
- The headline of our service items only provides convenience, it does not have any law or contractual result. 本服务条款之标题仅供方便而设,不具任何法律或契约效果.
- Document type declaration information item 则信息集中包含一个文档类型声明信息项
- Return policy details: Refunds on non personalized items only unless they are received damaged. 退货政策对国际买家可能会有不同。请联络卖家询问详情。
- There are currently no news and information items listed for Molykote(摩力克). Please check back soon. 关于工业设备润滑共新闻和信息条新闻。请点击下面的链接阅读具体内容。
- Storage differs from memory,Which can hold these items prrmanently, whereas memory holds these items only temporarily while they are being processed. 它们能永久的保存;而记忆只在人们需要用到的时候才临时的被储存起来。
- Normalization is most useful after you have represented all of the information items and have arrived at a preliminary design. 在表示了所有信息项并完成了初步设计时,规范化过程最有用。
- His report contained only secondhand information. 他的报告里只有第二手资料。
- A Sememe Based Semantic Matching of Web Information Item 一种基于义素的网页信息项语义匹配方法研究