- In the PKI system, we have to store the public key and private key with certificate and private key information standard respectively. 对于公开密钥体制生成密钥对分别采用数字证书和私人密钥信息的格式来存储。
- Designing the equipment information standard system scientifically is the premise and basis of the equipment informationization construction our army. 科学设计装备信息标准体系,是我军装备信息化建设的前提和基础。
- DSML is a standard established by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). DSML是结构化信息标准促进组织(OASIS)建立的标准。
- WS-Security is based on an open standard that has been submitted to the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). WS安全基于提交给结构化信息标准促进组织(OASIS)的开放标准。
- The final result of system changes is to make the dimensions of bureaucratic group and gubernatorial information standard uniform, realize economic efficiency and social justice thereby. 制度变迁的最终结果是使官僚集团的规模与统治者的信息水平一致 ,从而实现经济效率与社会公正。
- OASIS is an XML industry member consortium dedicated to the promotion of structured information standards. OASIS是XML工业成员协会,专门提升结构化信息标准。
- Distributed Support Information Standard 分布式信息支援标准
- The Act achieves this by controlling the statements made to consumers; prohibiting certain conduct and practices and setting product and information standards where required. 获得这种成交的办法大致有几种:控制那些针对消费者做出的陈述和说明;禁止一定的行为和作法;如果必要,设定产品和相关信息标准。
- public health information standard 公共卫生信息标准
- In the process of data resource construction and integration,the basic policy is general information resource plan,and information standardizing is the main approach. 在数据资源的建设与整合过程中,面向全国的全局信息资源规划是数据资源建设的根本,而信息标准化建设则是数据资源建设的必要途径。
- National Information Standards Organization(NISO).ANSI/NISOZ39.84-2000 Syntaxforthe Digital Object Identifier.[2007-05-07].hap://www.doi.org/handbook_2000/appendix_1.html. 中国科学技术信息研究所.;中国科技期刊引证报告2006
- Optimal patient care requires efficient access to comprehensive electronic health records (EHRs).IHE accelerates the adoption of the information standards needed to support EHRs. 最佳的病患卫生保健要求能有效地访问全面的EHR,IHE加速了支持EHR所需要的信息标准的采用。
- higher education management information standard 高等学校管理信息标准
- DTV service information standard 数字电视广播业务信息规范
- He is raking through old records for information. 他在过去的记录中找寻资料。
- All our information is up to date on the computer. 我们计算机上的信息都是最新的。
- For further information, contact your local agent. 要进一步了解情况,请与本地代理商联系。
- A request for information from another system. 为查看另一系统中的信息而发出的一种请求。
- The information ought to be made more accessible. 资料应该明白易懂。
- I had to coax the information out of him. 我得用好话套出他掌握的情况。