- Informal Technical Notes 非正式技术笔记
- The Marksman is not a Sniper. Details in Technical Notes. 神射手不是狙击手。下面是详细的技术数据。
- Technical Note: Evaluated variables are compiled on every invocation, the compiled versions are not saved! 技术要点:待求值处理的变量每次调用时被重编译,不保存编译版本!
- Many of the control bar customization options illustrated by CTRLBARS are discussed in Technical Note 31. 技术说明31中讨论了由CTRLBARS阐释的许多控件条自定义选项。
- See the technical note at Annex I for details of the mortgage insurance product. 按揭保险产品详细资料载于附件一的技术说明内。
- You can also read Apple Technical Note TN2071: "Porting Command Line Unix Tools to Mac OS X". 你可以阅读苹果的技术文摘TN2071:《移植Unix命令行工具到Mac OS X》。
- Technical Note: It is not recommended to put this directory under the web server document root. 不推荐将此目录放在web服务器根目录下。
- Technical Note: For best performance, do not setup your plugins_dir to have to use the PHP include path. 技巧:为了获取最好性能,不要将插件目录安装成必须使用php包含路径的境地。
- Technical Note: This method isn't100% foolproof. A spammer could conceivably program his e-mail collector to decode these values, but not likely. 技术提示:这种方法不是100%25全的。一个猎头可能知道编写他的电子邮件收集器来解码,但不是很可能的。
- For more information about dual interfaces, object description language (ODL) scripts, and Automation error interfaces, see Technical Note 65. 有关双重接口、对象描述语言(ODL)脚本和自动化错误接口的更多信息,请参见技术说明65。
- One can receive information about Information technic as well as Data communication with KOMTEL GESELLSCHAFT KOMMUNIKATIONS INFORMATIONSDIENSTE MBH . 是一家灵活的企业,该企业针对客户需求制造专门的获得数据系统,数据传输,数据处理设备。
- Technical Note and Significance of Preservating Intercostobrachial Nerve During Axillary Node Clearance for BreastCancer. 乳腺癌腋清扫术中保留肋间臂神经的方法和意义。
- Technical Note: Evaluated variables are treated the same as templates. They follow the same escapement and security features just as if they were templates. 技术要点:待求值处理的变量被当作模板来处理.;它们和模板一样遵循同样的结构和安全特性
- Later I stayed in network group at college of information technical science as a postdoc. 2005-2007在信息学院网络信息实验室做博士后研究。
- USEPA. 1999b.BASINS Technical Note 3 NPSM/HSPF Simulation Module Matrix.U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. 陈树群、沈学汶、何智武.;1998
- Technical Note: This method isn't 100% foolproof. A spammer could conceivably program his e-mail collector to decode these values, but not likely. 技术提示:这种方法不是100%25安全的。一个猎头可能知道编写他的电子邮件收集器来解码,但不是很可能的。
- Project supported by the Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Information Technical Science, Ministry of Education of China (Grant No. ). 国家教育部光电子信息技术科学重点实验室(批准号:)资助的课题.
- On a very slight technical note - for random map generation you're essentially creating a bunch of rooms that can all fit together in various ways. 翻译:就技术而言,你可以用随机地图生成大量房间并通过各种方式拼接在一起。
- In this technical note, we report 3 PVNS patients treated with debunking surgery followed by intra-articular injection of 90Y in our institution. 这篇技术要言,报告我们医院三位色素沉著性绒毛膜关节炎患者,在外科手术之后,配合钇-90放射性胶状悬浮物注射剂治疗之临床操作步骤。
- Change the main characteristic of providing knowledge information into strengthening information technical skill of reader,and the modernistic service system of d... 由以提供知识信息为主向以增强读者信息技术应用技能,深层次综合开发信息资源的现代服务体系转变。