- The poultry industry continued to recover after the 1997 avian influenza outbreak. 自一九九七年发生禽流感后,家禽业仍在复苏。
- The two Panels discussed with the Administration on the preparations for the peak season of avian influenza outbreak. 两个事务委员会与政府当局讨论应付禽流感爆发高峰期的防范措施。
- In an influenza outbreak, standard surveillance, or disease monitoring, is crucial. 流感爆发时,标准监督,又称疾病监测,是至关重要的。
- The NFU believes that much of the confusion and mistrust seen among consumers during the recent avian influenza outbreak is due to unclear labelling of meat and poultry. 在全国农民联盟认为,大部分的混乱和不信任,可见在消费者中,在最近爆发禽流感,是由于不清楚标签的肉类及家禽。
- There has been criticism of the way in which we have responded to certain crises that have occurred in the past year,such as the avian influenza outbreak,the red tides and mis-haps in the medical sector as well as the opening of the airport. 过去一年,我们在处理若干危机方面,例如禽流感、红潮和医疗事故,以及新机场启用后出现的问题,受到不少批评。
- Meanwhile, influenza outbreaks in four institutions involving about 30 people were also confirmed during the period. 期间四间院舍获证实出现流感爆发,共涉及约30人。
- Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year, but most outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to influenza outbreaks in humans. 该病毒多爆发于猪身上,秋冬季为多发期,全年可传播,类似流感。
- There has been an outbreak of typhoid. 那儿正爆发伤寒。
- After returning from countries with avian influenza outbreaks, consult a doctor if fever and symptoms of respiratory tract diseases develop and inform the doctor about the recent travel history. 从爆发禽流感的国家回港后,若有发烧和呼吸道疾病徵状,应找医生诊治,并告知医生最近到过哪些国家。
- The girl has come down with influenza. 这女孩得了流行性感冒。
- She was taken down with influenza. 她患了流行性感冒。
- The outbreak of riot caused many people to die. 暴乱的发生使很多人丧生。
- The boy has come down with influenza. 男孩染上了流行性感冒。
- The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera. 该地区突然发生了霍乱。
- We all had influenza last night. 我们昨晚都患了流感。
- The research project fetched up because of the outbreak of the war. 由于战争爆发,这个研究计划搁浅了。
- AFIC will continue to monitor the avian influenza outbreak and updates will be posted on the AFIC website 将会继续关注禽流感的爆发,并且经常在
- Investigations and prevention study of epidemic situation of influenza outbreak in hospitalized psychiatics 住院精神病患者流感爆发疫情的调查与预防研究
- The hospital ward was fumigated after the outbreak of typhus. 发现斑疹伤寒以後,医院的病房进行了烟熏消毒。
- The hospital wards were fumigated after the outbreak of typhus. 发现斑疹伤寒以后,医院的病房进行了烟熏消毒。