- Numerous muscles inserts into the orbicularis oris inferior and superior muscles, providing a flexible system for lips protrusion, closure, retraction, elevation, and depression. 轮颊肌为嘴唇上下方的肌肉,能让嘴唇的开合及前后伸缩自如。
- We think they are inferior and valueless. 我们认为他们是没有价值的,不如我们。
- She suffers from bouts of lethargy and depression. 她一阵阵无精打采、情绪低落.
- She is showing signs of withdrawal and depression. 她表现出孤僻与消沉的现象。
- Nourishthe kidneys and depress the yang. 养肾抑阳。
- She alternated between happiness and depression. 她时而快乐,时而沮丧。
- Idless is the sail of self-pity and depression. 懒惰是催生消沉和自怜自哀的土壤。
- From now on, don't be sad and depress. 从现在开始,不要悲哀不要消沉;
- He gets cheerful and depressed by turns. 他的情绪高一阵低一阵。
- One is high above and the other is inferior and ingratiatory. 这曾一度成为一个时代青年恋爱的准则。
- Inferiority and Depression 自卑自闭
- We don't know how to deal with the inferiority and jettison to others. 不知如何把自卑处理,便胡乱投弃到他人身上。
- How to use sadness and depression on the path to liberation? 如何在解脱道上运用悲伤和沮丧?
- Obese people suffer from low self-esteem and depression. 肥胖的人患低自尊、抑郁.
- Life breeds both plenitude and void, exuberance and depression. 生命同时滋养着充盈和空无、生机和萎靡。
- Work makes people suffer from exhaustion, stress and depression. 工作使人们遭受疲倦、紧张与抑郁之苦。
- 3. Numerous muscles inserts into the orbicularis oris inferior and superior muscles, providing a flexible system for lips protrusion, closure, retraction, elevation, and depression. 这意味着:他们用眼睛微笑(面部上睑提肌肌肉的收缩),而不仅仅是他们的嘴。收藏指正
- I release all those exhaustivity and depression filled my heart. 我将所有充盈我心的疲惫和沮丧释放。
- His mood oscillates between euphoria and depression. 他的心情在幸福感兴沮丧的两极端间游移。
- Out of gloom and depression could come joy and happiness. 从情绪低落和忧郁症可以得到另一种结果, 那就是欢乐和幸福。