- Infection Control Professional 感染控制专业委员会
- Greek hospitals. CICNet Cretan Infection Control Network[J ] . 文细毛;任南;徐秀华;等.;全国医院感染监控网医院感染病原
- Ling Moi Lin Ching Tai Yin Seto Wing Hong:Infection Control. 赖玫娟:疥疮感染之防护措施.;感染管制实务下册(第一版)
- These figures underscore the importance of rigorous infection control in hospitals and the need to strengthen measures in place in Beijing. 这些数字强调了医院内严格感染控制的重要性,以及强化北京当地防疫措施的必要性。
- Infection control in hospitals has also been stepped up, and visitors to hospitals are prohibited to minimize exposure. 医院的感染控制工作也已加强,并禁止市民前往医院探病,以减低感染风险。
- Control measures including enhanced infection control are currently being implemented. 目前正在实施控制措施,包括加强感染控制。
- For this reason, strict measures for infection control need to be applied during the management of cases. 为此原因,必须在病例管理期间实施严格的感染控制措施。
- The recommendations of the local health authority and the facilities infection control practitioner should be followed. 答:应按照当地卫生管理部门和医疗机构的传染控制措施建议执行。
- OBJECTIVE To prevent and process the medical accidents in hospital infection control. 目的解决医院感染管理中医疗事故的防范与处理。
- Objective: The applications of disinfection supply room in the hospital infection control work. 目的消毒供应室在医院感染管理工作中的应用。
- We are very much interested to promote your Infection Control products to Government and Private Hospitals in Kuwait. 我们对于促进您在科威特的政府部门以及私人医院的控制传染病的产品非常感兴趣。
- It is also advised that such people should avoid high-risk areas where there are no infection control measures in place. 还要建议这些人应避免未采取感染控制措施的高危地区。
- Joint visits were conducted by CHP staff to support local infection control team to implement outbreak investigation and infection control measures. 生防护中心人员已前往各医院,支援院内的感染控制小组进行爆发调查及实施感染控制措施。
- This article is being published simultaneously by Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 本文由胃肠内镜术与感染控制与医院流行病学期刊同时发行。
- The spokesman said the enhanced infection control measures being implemented at the affected wards in CMC are effective to prevent the spread of PIV. 发言人表示现时于明爱医院受影响病房实施的加强感染控制措施,能有效防止副流感病毒的传播。
- Collaborate with local and international partners on disease surveillance, infection control standards and information exchanges. 与本港及国际伙伴就疾病监测及感染控制标准互相合作,促进资讯交流。
- Issued interim guidelines on infection control and exposure management for patients in the health care and community settings. 发布对医疗机构和社区的病人的感染控制、接触管理的临时指导原则
- Issued interim guidelines on infection control and exposure management.for patients in the health care and community settings. 发布对医疗机构和社区的病人的感染控制、接触管理的临时指导原则
- "We hypothesize that increased workload results in noncompliance with basic hygiene measures and infection control recommendations," they wrote. “我们推测是高强度的工作导致护士违反了基本的卫生操作要求和感染控制条例。”
- RESULTS The measures of infection control on operating room had been worked out, all surveillant indexes were within the normal scope. 结果制定了手术室控制感染对策,使各项监控指标在正常范围。