- Infantile hypothyroidism 婴儿甲状腺功能减退
- Her unconscious looks wander to her husband with infantile dependency. 带著像婴儿般的依赖她不由自主地把目光投向了她的丈夫。
- His behaviour is infantile for a man of 35. 他的这种行为对于三十五岁的人来说是太幼稚了。
- An adult or a young person who behaves in an infantile way. 孩子气的人行为表现出孩子气的成年人或年轻人
- Her unconscious looks wandered to her husband with infantile dependency. 带著像婴儿般的依赖她不由自主地把目光投向了她的丈夫。
- Pearl was a born outcast of the infantile world. 珠儿生来便是那婴孩天地的弃儿。
- And I will hear no more of your infantile excuses. 还有,我不要再听到你那些幼稚的借口。
- Some infantile actions survive into adulthood. 某些婴儿期的行为一直保持到成年期。
- Have in infantile throat of 112 days phlegmy? 112天的婴儿喉咙里有痰?
- What medicine can infantile scald foot brush? 婴儿烫伤脚可以擦什么药?
- Is infantile cough later period more serious? 婴儿咳嗽后期会更严重吗?
- How does cold of infantile catch a cold do? 婴儿伤风感冒怎么办?
- Is there a way to remedy this infantile behaviour? 有什么办法改变他这种幼稚的行为吗?
- Hypothyroidism can often be diagnosed with a simple blood test. 通过简单的血化验常可确诊甲状腺功能减退。
- She wanted to form minds and hearts out of infantile clay. 她想在稚童的躯壳上塑造出聪慧和美好的心灵。
- The immature parents have so many infantile traits themselves. 这对未成熟的父母本身就有不少孩子气。
- Effect on the Prognosis in Congenital Hypothyroidism With Early Treatment. 先天性甲状腺功能低下症早期治疗对预后的影响。
- Patients with central sleep apnea syndrome, hypothyroidism and acromegaly, etc. 排除中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征、状腺功能低下、端肥大症等患者。
- The cause of these changes was subsequently found to be hypothyroidism. 最终发现这些改变的原因是甲状腺功能减退。
- Obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complaind. 他其实更愿做个柔弱而孩子气的诉苦人。