- Wuhan Trade-wind Crop Science Co., Ltd. 单位名称:武汉信风作物科学有限公司。
- A patented chemical, Imidacloprid is manufactured by Bayer Crop science. 吡虫啉是拜耳公司的专利农药,现已过期。
- The importance of correctly choosing paramount field of crop science was emphasized. 文章最后还强调了正确选择作物科学优先研究领域的重要性。
- The mission of Bayer Crop Science China: to use technology and information to create value for farmers. 最出色的作物保护公司--拜耳作物科学助中国飞速发展一臂之力!
- Crop protection basics. The mission of Bayer Crop Science China: to use technology and information to create value for farmers. 拜耳作物科学中国的使命观:用技术与资讯为农民创造价值。
- It aims to be a place farmers can go to find information on agricultural topics, ranging from crop science to economics to veterinary medicine. 农民门户要成为这样一个平台,农民们在这里能找到有关农业各个专题的信息,范围包罗万象,从作物科学到经济学到兽医学等等。
- The money is welcome, because crop science of the sort Mr Borlaug made famous has fallen out of fashion in recent decades. 这笔钱很受欢迎,因为曾因勃劳格而名声大震的这类谷物学在近十年已被人们淡忘。
- Changes of starch and protein in developing barley grain and its respondance to nitrogen fertilizer[A].Barley Committee of Chinese Crop Science Society. (中国作物学会大麦专业委员会)。
- It`s net only suit for the grain crop such as wheate,Paddy,maize etc,but alse for the industrial crop. 而且对经济作物有更加显著效果。不仅不使土壤板结,而且对土壤有很好改良作用。
- We also grow such industrial crops as cotton and tobacco. 我们还种植棉花、烟叶这样的经济作物。
- The industrial crops are :beet , flax , tobacco , and so on . 经济作物有:甜菜、亚麻、烤烟等。
- Algae can also help eliminate greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, says David Baltensperger, who heads Texas A&M's Department of Soil and Crop Sciences. 德州农工大学土壤及农作物学系主任巴尔汀伯格说,水藻还可以消除温室排放的废气,包括二氧化碳。
- Dr.Joe Heckman of the Crop Sciences Department at Rutgers University is conducting a study to further examine the nutritional requirements of high yield maize. Rutgers大学作物学系的JoeHeckman博士正在进行一项旨在继续测定高产玉米营养需要的深入研究。
- The industrial crops are : (sugar) beet , flax , tobacco , and so on . 经济作物有:甜菜、亚麻、烤烟等。
- What are the main gain crops and industrial crops in Hei longjiang ? 黑龙江省主要之粮食作物和经济作物有哪些?
- Encyclopedia Of Plant And Crop Science 种植和作物科学百科全书
- Farmers in this village make a living mainly by growing industrial crops. 这个村的农民大多以种植经济作物为生。
- The car industry is one of our biggest employers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
- Lop-sided stress first on grain, and then on side-lines and industrial crops. 开头一偏偏到粮食,再一偏偏到副业、经济作物。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。