- Industrial ecological area 工业生态园区
- Mei Sheng Industrial Ecological Engineering Co., Ltd. 美圣工业生态工程有限公司。
- The project site is situated in Weihe South Bank Ecological Area in Weinan Urban Area. 目前已完成项目整体规划、环境评估、土地预审等手续,项目正在建设之中。
- Estuarine wetland receives more Studies because of its special function of the crisscross ecological area between the land and the ocean. 河口湿地以其独有的海陆生态交错区的功能而引起各方研究。
- Chibi ecological area at the Yongtai County of Fuzhou City in the west, the Minjiang River in the South Zhang Xi Pan, the patron of the river, an area of 23 square kilometers. 赤壁生态景区位于福州市西面的永泰县境内,闽江南港的大樟溪畔,面溪靠山,方圆23平方公里。
- The Lower reaches of Tarim River is the ecological frangible zone, belongs to the red ecology area. 摘要塔里木河下游是生态环境脆弱区,属红色生态区。
- With the dividing outcome of agriculture and stockbreeding, its eco-environment is classified into one degrading area and four fragile ecological areas. 结合全盟农业区划成果将全盟分为1个生态退化区和4个生态脆弱区。
- Industrial Ecology,T.E.Graedel,B.R.Allenby, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1995. 工业生态学----理论与应用,邓南圣吴峰;化学工业出版社2002版。
- The specific significance of the development of microecology and industrial ecology in... 本文讨论了白酒工业生态与白酒微生物生态对中国白酒生产的特殊重要意义。
- Industrial ecology is the new subject which contrapose the limitation of the end of pipe. 工业生态学是针对生产过程末端治理的缺陷而产生的一门新兴学科。
- Main body is in ellipse shape creating alterable feature for the interior office design with ecological areas in the part of tower. 主体建筑采用椭圆形平面,内部办公空间设计注重灵活性与适应性,高层部分设有生态共享空间。
- Frosch and Tibbs expanded the concept of industrial ecology to include the environment formed by and among a web of machines. 福罗什和提布斯将工业生态的概念扩大,涵盖了机器网络以及由它形成的环境。
- Tuopai Group inherits Chinese alcoholic beverage cultural soul and established the first liquor-making industry ecological garden which is a typical model in China. 沱牌秉承中华酒文化精髓,创建了中国第一个具有典型示范意义的酿酒工业生态园。
- From the viewpoint of industrial ecology, a new concept of mine environment problem and the industrial ecologic system of mines are described. 从工业生态学的观点阐述了矿山环境问题的新观念和矿山工业生态系统;
- The fragile ecological areas are the regions that have been greatly influenced over time by people and nature,according to particular climatic,economic,and social conditions. 生态脆弱区是特定的自然、经济、社会条件下,人与自然长期综合作用形成的一个区域。
- Lowenthal, M.D. and W.E.Kastenberg, “Industrial Ecology and Energy System: A First Step,” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 24, 51-63 (1998). 工业技术研究院能源与资源研究所;联合国气候变化纲要公约中华民国国家通讯1999年版;行政院环境保护署(1999).
- This regulations is suitable for different dryly agricultural ecology area of the big pellet thinly plants crop and watermelon .pumpkin and so on. 本规程适用于不同旱作农业生态区的大颗粒稀植粮食作物和西瓜、南瓜等经济作物。
- Abstract: From the view point of industrial ecology, a new concept of mine environment proble mand the industrial ecologic systemofmines are described. 摘 要: 从工业生态学的观点阐述了矿山环境问题的新观念和矿山工业生态系统;
- This regulations is suitable for different dryly agricultural ecology area of the big pellet thinly plants crop and watermelon. pumpkin and so on. 本规程适用于不同旱作农业生态区的大颗粒稀植粮食作物和西瓜、瓜等经济作物。