- Indocalamus barbatus McClures 髯毛箬竹
- Indocalamus barbatusn. 髯毛箬竹
- Camus (1912) and has been erroneously placed in the genus Indocalamus Nakai (1925) for a long time. Camns (1912),它过去长时期被误置于箬竹属(Indocalamus Nakai,1925)之中。
- Bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus), such as this mother and her baby, can identify each other by sniffing. 意译:有胡子海豹,看起来像妈妈和她的宝宝,各自可以识别确定是通过嗅觉味道。
- The green indocalamus leaves are Taken by my Dad when we took a short trip to my old country-side the day before. 片中包制粽子的,是在下的老父亲。他包的粽子,是天下一大美味。旁边瞎掺和的,不提。哈哈哈哈.....
- A water soluble polysaccharide was isolated and purified from the dry leaves of bamboo ( Indocalamus tesselatus) that grows in Hubei Province. 采用纸色谱和气相色谱法研究了从湖北恩施地区生长的箬竹叶中分离纯化的水溶性多糖的单糖组成。
- A large predatory bird(Gypaetus barbatus) of the vulture family,ranging from the mountainous regions of southern Europe to China and having a wide wingspan and black plumage. 胡兀鹫一种兀鹫科的大型食肉类猛禽(胡兀鹫),主要分布于欧洲南部到中国之间的山区地带,长有很宽的翼展和黑色的羽毛。
- The high-yield cultivation and high-efficient utilization of Indocalamus Nakai were studied. And some suggestions were put forward. 摘要介绍了箬竹丰产栽培技术和高效利用,最后提出了建议。
- A large predatory bird(Gypaetus barbatus)of the vulture family, ranging from the mountainous regions of southern Europe to China and having a wide wingspan and black plumage. 胡兀鹫一种兀鹫科的大型食肉类猛禽(胡兀鹫),主要分布于欧洲南部到中国之间的山区地带,长有很宽的翼展和黑色的羽毛
- A large predatory bird(Gypaetus barbatus) of the vulture family, ranging from the mountainous regions of southern Europe to China and having a wide wingspan and black plumage. 胡兀鹫一种兀鹫科的大型食肉类猛禽(胡兀鹫),主要分布于欧洲南部到中国之间的山区地带,长有很宽的翼展和黑色的羽毛
- Arg.by preliminary test.Methods:The extracted mix-ture of Mallotus barbatus(Wall.) Muell.Arg.from petroleum ether,purified water and 95%ethanol were studied by test tube method. 方法:采用试管法,对毛桐根的石油醚、水、95%25乙醇提取物进行研究,通过多种指示剂和显色剂的沉淀反应或颜色反应,初步推断毛桐根中可能含有的化学成分。
- A large predatory bird(Gypaetus barbatus)of the vulture family,ranging from the mountainous regions of southern Europe to China and having a wide wingspan and black plumage. 胡兀鹫一种兀鹫科的大型食肉类猛禽(胡兀鹫),主要分布于欧洲南部到中国之间的山区地带,长有很宽的翼展和黑色的羽毛
- The extraction and the stability of chlorophyll of leaves of Indocalamus latifolius and the preparation of sodium-zinc chlorophyllin were studied using orthogonal experimental designs. 通过正交实验对箬竹叶中叶绿素的提取工艺、叶绿素的稳定性以及叶绿素锌钠的制备工艺进行了研究。
- The present paper reports on the find of fossil representatives of the Characeae Lychnothamnus barbatus from the Upper Miocene (Turolian) of La Cerdanya basin (Eastern Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain). 轮藻纲植物 Lychnothamnus barbatus的化石在西班牙加泰罗尼亚地区比利牛斯山脉东部 Cerdanya盆地上中新统 (Turolian阶 )发现。
- Indocalamus jinpingensis Yi & J. Y. Shi 金平箬竹
- chequer-shaped indocalamus leaf-base 箬蒂
- Leaves of Indocalamus latifolius 箬竹叶
- Dendrocalamus barbatus Hsueh et D. Z. Li 小叶龙竹炭
- Lychnothamnus barbatus var. fasciculatusn. 有芒灯枝藻丛刺变种
- Study on greenness preservation technology for indocalamus leaves 粽叶护绿加工工艺的研究