- Also, an aggreation method is presented with an aim at expressing the group suggestions by the individual preference ordering in the decision-making process. 该方法在综合过程中既考虑了决策个体的主观权重,又考虑了由决策个体决策意见可信度所确定的客观权重;
- Also,an aggreation method is presented with an aim at expressing the group suggestions by the individual preference ordering in the decision-making process. 该方法在综合过程中既考虑了决策个体的主观权重,又考虑了由决策个体决策意见可信度所确定的客观权重;
- Individual Preference Order 个体偏好次序
- The methods are listed in the preferred order. 这些方法是以首选顺序列出的。
- The optimum position and nature of the grip depends on the circumstances and individual preference, but must be secure. 在安全的前提下,可依据实际情况和个人喜爱采用最佳姿势和抓牢方式。
- To address the issue, we need to have appropriate models for user identification and authentication to cater for the individual preference of citizens. 要解决这个问题,我们需要因应不同市民的个别意愿,在用户辨识和认证方面为他们制定合适的模式。
- The GDSS Structure based on individual preference announcement and cognitive feedback extends the contentof reciprocity of GDSS group. 基于个体偏好公布与认知反馈机制的GDSS模型扩展了GDSS群体交互的内容.
- The balance between secrecy and disclosure is an individual preference, but the need for tools and even laws to implement that preference is general. 在守密与揭秘之间的平衡,是个人的选择,但透过工具甚至法律来执行那个选择,则是众人所需的。
- Clearly, satisfaction is a fitting concept when evaluating policies based on individual preference 34, especially in the absence of genuine market conditions. 很清楚地,在评量以个人的喜好为基础的政策时34,尤其在没有真正市场的状况下,满意度是一个合适的概念。
- Respect for individual preferences does allow bequests to be taxed. 尊重个人偏好的原则允许征收遗产税。
- Without clear preference orderings among alternatives, rational assessment an d choice are not possible. 如果没有清晰的优先次序,理性评估和选择就不可能发生。
- Consensus did not emerge from a compromise between individual preferences. 意见一致并不是个人不同爱好的折衷产物。
- In the group decision making process, how to aggregate individuals preference into the group preference is a key issue for group decision making method based on utility function. 在群体决策问题中;如何将群成员的偏好集结为群体的偏好并构造一个群体的效用函数是基于效用函数的群决策方法的核心问题.
- If there are two or more mortgage on one ship, the said agreement between the mortgagee and the mortgagor maybe impairs the benefit of other mortgagee who has preferred order to be paid. 如果一船舶上存在着两个或者两个以上的抵押权,船舶抵押权人与抵押人协议约定实现抵押权可能会损害优先顺位抵押权人的利益。
- One form of this libertarian view even treats the law as a product of contending individual preferences. 这种自由主义观点的某一种甚至把法律看作是个人偏好之间互相竞争的结果。
- Do you prefer to have rice or buns? 你愿意吃饭还是吃馒头。
- Pareto judgments are expressed in terms of orderings of individual preferences rather than in terms of total utility. 帕累托判断是依据个人偏好的需求而做出的,而不是依总效用做出。
- I can give you a round neckline if you prefer. 如果您喜欢我可以给您开个圆领口。
- It is sometimes argued that economics simply shows how individual preferences can be combined to maximize the welfare of society. 有时人们主张,经济学只是简单地表明了怎样把个人的喜爱结合起来找出社会福利的最高值。
- Her preference in foods is omelets. 她喜爱的食物是煎蛋卷。