- Indigofera tinctoria L. [医] 木蓝
- Objective:To study the sprouting habits of Isatis Tinctoria L. 目的:研究菘蓝种子萌发习性,为收获优质大青叶筛选优良种源。
- The high yield cultivation and harvest techniques of Isatis Tinctoria L. 板蓝根高产优质栽培及采种技术。
- Chemical Screening to Control Plutellid Moth and Cabbage Caterpillar in Isatis tinctoria L. 防治危害板蓝的小菜蛾和菜青虫的药剂筛选。
- Title: Studies on Standardization Method of Seed Germination Testing of Woad (Isatis tinctoria L. 关键词:板蓝根;发芽试验;发芽温度;发芽床
- AIM: To study the anti cancer activity of high grade unsaturated fatty acids from Isatis tinctoria L on BEL 7402 human hepatocellular carcinoma cell in vitro . 目的 :研究板蓝根高级不饱和脂肪组酸体外抗人肝癌BEL 74 0 2细胞的活性。
- Rubia tinctoria L. [医] 欧茜草
- Isatis tinctoria L. [医] 菘蓝
- Methods Flow cytometry(FCM) and electromicroscope were used to observed the morphological changes of drug resistant HCC cell expose to Isatis tinctoria L combination acid in BEL 7404/ADM(adriamycin) animal model. 方法 利用已建立的人耐药肝癌BEL 74 0 4 /ADM动物模型 ,应用FCM、透射电子显微镜等方法观察板蓝根组酸在体内对耐药肝癌细胞的形态学特征变化。
- Indigofera tinctorian. 木蓝
- London is spelt with a capital L'. London一字中L是大写的。
- Indigofera pseudotinctoria Mats. 马棘
- Indigofera pedicellata Wight & Arn., a new record for Taiwan. 台湾豆科之一新纪录植物(长梗木兰).
- A new variety of Indigofera kirilowii in north-eastern China. 中国东北花木蓝一新变种.
- My main concern is with the W's and L's. 我关注的是一场比赛的输赢。
- I charge you not to forget what l have said. 我告诫你不要忘记我所说的话。
- The floor was littered with ravel(l)ings. 地板上布满了散线。
- The punch level(l)ed him to the ground. 这一拳将他击倒在地。
- The soldier level(l)ed his rifle at the target. 士兵举起步枪瞄准靶子。
- George travel(l)ed all over Europe last summer. 乔治在去年夏天游遍了欧洲。