- A member of an indigenous people of Japan, now inhabiting parts of Hokkaido, Sakhalin, and the Kuril Islands. 阿伊努人日本一个土著民族的成员,现主要居住在北海道,萨哈林岛和千岛群岛。
- A member of an indigenous people of Japan,now inhabiting parts of Hokkaido,Sakhalin,and the Kuril Islands. 钏路日本北海道东南一城市,位于太平洋上。它是北海道唯一的不冻商业港。人口214,
- A member of any of the indigenous peoples of Melanesia. 美拉尼西亚人美拉尼西亚土著人之一员
- These indigenous people of Latvia are amongst the many inhabitants of the Baltic region who fight the threat posed by the Teutonic Order. 素质:一般类型:地方兵种由于拉脱维亚军队兵员紧缺,大批塞米加里亚和拉脱加里亚平民应徵入伍。
- The skin color of the indigenous people of Africa has had the longest time to adapt because anatomically modern humans first evolved there. 非洲原住民的肤色有最长的时间适应,因为现代智人是在非洲演化出来的。
- Eat ham you can wantonly destroyed, the indigenous people of the totem clearance can be completely destroyed, another was carefully seize the indigenous people, and limited time. 吃到火腿你就可以大肆破坏了,将土著人的图腾全部摧毁即可过关,同时小心别被土著人抓住,并且时间有限。
- He also will travel to the Guatemalan town of Santa Cruz Balanya to meet with U.S. military doctors providing basic health care to the indigenous people of the area. 他还将前往危地马拉的圣克鲁斯-巴兰亚,会见在那里为该地区原住民提供基本医疗服务的美国军医。
- There's a word for it in Quechua, the language of the indigenous people of South America's Andean mountains."Pachakutic" means a change in the sun, a movement of the Earth which will bring a new era. 南美安第斯山脉的本土居民所用的盖丘亚语中,有一个词非常符合这个标题,“帕查库提克”--它指的是物换星移,从而带进一个新纪元。
- Embassy of the Republic of Fiji?? 芬兰共和国大使馆?
- He prefers to assort with people of his own age. 他更喜欢与自己的同龄人交往。
- The Austronesian language of Fiji. 斐济语斐济的澳斯特罗尼西亚语
- A member of any of the indigenous peoples of New Guinea and neighboring islands. 新几内亚和附近岛屿当地民族的一员。
- Since the 1960s,there has been heated disputes mainly over the usage of the terms "American Indian" and "Native American" in referring to the indigenous peoples of America. 自从20世纪60年代以来,针对美国原住民的称谓问题,围绕着“美国印第安人”和“土著美国人”这两个词产生激烈的争议。
- He represents the people of Bradford in Parliament. 他在国会中代表布拉德福选区的人民。
- To people of our generation Kennedy was a god. 对我们这一代人来说,肯尼迪是我们崇拜的偶像。
- Young people of today are not degenerating. 今天的青年并没有在变坏。
- Economic exploitation, which accounts for64 percent of the world total, occurs mostly in less developed countries and tends to affect the most marginalized, such as the lower castes of India and Pakistan and the indigenous peoples of Nepal and Brazil. 经济型剥削占全球强制劳工总数的64%25大多发生在较未开发的国家,而且容易影响到位在社会边缘的人,像是印度与巴基斯坦两国较低的社会阶级,以及尼泊尔与巴西的原住民。
- People of every faith attended the mayor's funeral. 信仰不同宗教的人士出席了市长的葬礼。
- Indigenous people have lived in Australia for. 原住民已经存在于澳洲多久?
- Don't mix with people of that stamp. 不要和那种人交往。