- In recent years, the occurrence frequency of high virulent races of indica and japonica races increased, and that of low ones were decreased. 近年来致病性强的籼型小种及粳型小种强致病类群出现频率增加,弱致病类群频率下降。
- When all the rice varieties were divided into indica and japonica subspecies, it was found that 80.5% of indica rice and 67.0% of japonica rice showed GG genotype. 籼稻中80.;5%25属GG型;粳稻中67
- Xu Z J, Li J Q, Huang R D, Jiang J, Chen W F, Zhang L B.Subspecific characteristics and classification of rice varieties developed indica and japonica crossing. 徐正进;李金泉;黄瑞冬;姜健;陈温福;张龙步.;籼粳稻杂交后代亚种特性表现与分类研究
- Furthermore, the F1 hybrids of D5 when crossed to both indica and japonica varieties showed strong positive heterosis in yield characters but negative heterosis in plant height. 目D5与籼、粳品系测交在产量性状上均表现出较强的杂种优势,而株高较矮,具有负向超亲优势。
- Indica and Japonica Subspecies. 籼粳亚种
- The factors influencing the frequency of rice transformation mediated by Agrobacterium have been investigated by using 16 commercially important indica and japonica rice cultivars or lines. 摘要 以16种重要的籼稻和粳稻栽培品种为材料,研究了影响农杆菌转化水稻频率的有关因素。
- Hybrid sterility between indica and japonica 籼粳稻杂种不育
- Indica and Japonica subspecies Rice 籼粳亚种
- Cross between indica and japonica 籼粳杂交
- hybridization between indica and japonica 籼粳亚种
- bridging between Indica and japonica rice 籼粳架桥
- Specificity SSR marker of indica and japonica rice 籼粳特异性SSR标记
- Subspecies classification of Indica and Japonica 亚种分类
- Advances in Hybrid Sterility between Rice Subspecies Indica and Japonica 水稻籼粳亚种间杂种不育性的研究进展
- Pathogenicity analysis of Magnaporthe grisea derive from indica and japonica rice 籼、粳稻上分离的稻瘟病菌致病性分析
- Genetic Variation of Cold Tolerance Characters of Yunnan Rice Landraces at Indica and Japonica Rice Cropping Regions 籼粳稻区云南稻种耐冷性状遗传变异研究
- The Difference of Main Morphology Dissect Characters between Indica and Japonica and Its Correlations with Economic Characters 籼粳稻主要形态解剖特性的类型间差异及与经济性状的关系
- Genetic performance and selection of percentage of exserted stigma in the progenies of crosses between indica and japonica rice 籼粳交后代柱头外露率的遗传表现与选择
- Investigation on the Relationship between the Distribution of Tandemly Repeated Sequences and the Differentiation of Rice Subspecies Indica and Japonica 串联重复序列在籼粳亚种间的差异及其与栽培稻遗传分化关系的研究
- A population of 123 double haploid (DH) lines, derived from a cross between an indica variety IR64 and japonica variety Azucena was used in this study. 以籼稻品种IR64和粳稻品种Azucena及其DH群体(123个DH系)为遗传研究材料,在穗干物质积累的不同时期测定穗重。