- I'd always fancied myself as an adventure hero, so Indiana Jones won out. 我曾经常幻想自己是个冒险的英雄,所以印第安纳·琼斯的形象正合我意。
- Maybe that Indiana Jones photo got between me and my big break in Hollywood. 也许是印第安纳·琼斯的照片挡在了我和我在好莱坞的好运之间。
- But if my quest for fame and riches does not succeed, I'll perhaps look back and blame Indiana Jones. 但是如果我对名望和财富的追求不成功,我也许会回过头看看并责怪印第安纳·琼斯。
- Follow in the footsteps of Dr. Indiana Jones in a harrowing, life-or-death quest for the legendary Fountain of Youth. 为寻找传说中的青春之泉,印第安琼斯将带领各位勇闯危机四伏的古老神殿。
- I used to look like the asian kid in Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom. However, not anymore. 我曾经看起来很像《印斯安娜.;琼斯:毁灭之庙》中的亚洲小孩。但是,现在不像了。
- I asked him for a kind of roguish folk hero type of Indiana jones character. He delivered a great design. 我请他帮忙设计一个印第安那州地区的民间侠盗英雄人物,他给了我这个非常棒的设计。
- Scoot over Indiana Jones, make room for this adventuresome duo in the riveting sequel. 在这次极具吸引力的探险中,印地安娜腾琼会给这对喜爱冒险的组合腾出房间。
- He never imagined acting would earn him the opportunity to star with Harrison Ford in the upcoming Indiana Jones movie. 他从未想过表演会给他带来与哈里森福特一同出演即将到来的印第安纳琼斯电影的机会。
- Follow Indiana Jones to ancient ruins to solve puzzles and uncover forgotten treasures! 跟随印第安纳琼斯对古老废墟解谜和发掘被遗忘的珍宝!
- He is the creator of the epic Star Wars saga and the archaeologist-adventurer character Indiana Jones. 他是史诗星球大战英雄传奇和考古学家冒险家印第安纳琼斯的创作者。
- But now, in theaters now, they have the trailer for the newest Indiana Jones movie. It's gonna be great. Watch. 但现在,在影院里,是最新印地安纳?琼斯电影的宣传片。那一定会很好。注意看吧。
- "Everybody's seen [the movie] Indiana Jones by now," she points out, "and they know archeology can be really exciting. “每一个人现在都看过电影“夺宝奇兵”了,也知道考古学真的很刺激。
- Throughout our tour of Universal Studios I was Indiana Jones, or if that could not be swallowed, I was a star waiting to be discovered. 在参观环球影片公司的整个过程中,我就是印第安纳·琼斯,如果这么说无法令人接受的话,那么我就是一个等待被发现的明星。
- To be honest, I'm a little tired of playing bad guys. I long to do a comedy. But it was fun knocking Indiana Jones around. 说实话,我有一点厌倦扮演坏蛋了,我希望演一点喜剧。
- When confronted by a difficult problem you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question "how would adventure star Indiana Jones handle this? 碰到难题时,你可以把它化为一个简单的问题,“探险片明星印第安那·琼斯会怎么做。”你就能更容易地做。
- "Crystal Skull," the fourth Indiana Jones film and the first in 19 years, proves to be one of the better ones of the series. “水晶骷髅”是印第安纳琼斯电影的第四部(第一部拍摄于19年前),也被证实是这一系列中最好的一部。
- Consider such titles as Raiders of the Lost Ark and the other Indiana Jones movies, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T. and Jurassic Park. 细想一下《法柜奇兵》和《印第安纳琼斯》、《第三类接触》、《侏罗纪公园》这几部电影。
- If anyone has seen the “Indiana Jones” episode of “South Park,” think that but WORSE.This is, after all, McG we’re talking about here. 听听听听听听听听听听听 Imagine watching something that you’ve held sacred since childhood be treated with such disrespect.
- With Star War and Indiana Jones, Lucas had a hand in movies that would go on to span multiple sequels(or prequels) and become popular classics. 在新闻中看到介绍"星战"导演的一句话;不懂什么意思;高手请帮忙.;谢谢
- Indiana Jones: [Indy swings by his whip and crashes through the windshield of a Commie truck] Damn, I thought that was closer! 印地安那。琼斯(被他的鞭子荡了过去,撞碎了挡风玻璃,冲进了苏联特工的卡车里):该死,我就觉得有点太近了!