- Indian National Army 印度国民军(预备部队)
- His colleague Rana G.S. Talwar,an Indian national,heads the consumer business. 他的印度同事Rana G.;S
- Straw and Indian National Security Advisor Mishra held a one-hour talk, but did not make any comment. 史卓与印度国家安全顾问米西拉会谈了约一个钟头,但会后没有对等待的记者发表任何谈话。
- Nor yet has Iraq's fledgling national army, the nearest thing to a national institution, broken apart. 同时伊拉克那不成熟的国家军队,其最基本的国家机构,也没有分裂。
- Salt March was ploted by the leade of Indian National Movement ,Gandhi,on 12th March 1930,and then began to the second Noncooperation Movement. 1930年3月12日,印度民族运动领袖甘地发动“食盐进军”,开始第二次不合作运动。
- Royal Marine Commando medics battle to save the life of a member of the Afghan National Army after a mortar attack. 在一场激烈的交锋后,英国皇家海军陆战队的军医正在抢救一名阿富汗国民军士兵。
- Each of them was seated, as it were, on the crest of the wave that followed each successive trough in the tumultuous course of Indian national life. 每一位都各归各位,如同昔曰一样,在印度民族生活喧哗的浪潮中,各自跟随着各自的传承。
- The brigade arrived voluntarily at a center set up to integrate militia fighters into the national army, Ironside told CNN. 他们主动来到一个专门为民兵同国民军混合的中心区。
- But it has taken until February 15th this year for the Mashpee to be recognised as a sovereign Indian nation. 然而,直到今年2月15日,玛许比才被认可为一个有自治权的印第安民族。
- For a while Bao played basketball for the national army team, but was sidelined by rheumatism. 有一段时间,鲍打篮球在国家军队的篮球队,但缺阵由于风湿症。
- He was called "Bapu", meaning "father" - because he was the father of the Indian nation of the twentieth century. 他被人们称为"巴普",意国是"父亲"--因为他是20世纪的印度民族之父。
- Compares with Thailand, this national army equips is very bad, lacks the training, the organization is lax. 与泰国相比,这个国家军队装备很差,缺乏训练,组织涣散。”
- Chen Bi-Bo is the national army in the skin of his home in Hubei province "as a child's playmate. 陈碧波是皮国军在湖北老家的“小时候的玩伴”。
- However, Bal Gangadhar Tilak successfully chose and took a middle way to "reform" the Indian national culture while "resurrecting" its glorious tradition. 继罗摩克利希那等人之后,被甘地称为“现代印度之父”的提拉克出色地走上了一条在“改革”与“复兴”之间的中道。
- In sixteen years (1927) Ministry of National Army in Linxiasun lian zhong , Armylu rui lin vote. 民国十六年(1927)国民军孙连仲部驻临夏,鲁瑞林投军。
- The consensus figure of those who really do is 5 per cent, although the Indian National Knowledge Commission this year put the proportion who speak it well at 1 per cent. 人们的普遍看法是,真正会说英语的印度人比例约为5%25,不过今年印度国家知识委员会表示,流利使用英语的印度人比例为1%25。
- For the incumbent Indian National Congress and opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, the largest prize of the day is in the northeastern state of Rajasthan. 对执政党印度国大党和反对党印度人民党来说,当天最大的战利品来自东北部的拉贾斯坦邦。
- Afghan National Army sol-diers demonstrate skills at a cere-mony to mark the completion of the manning of the Army Corps in Kabul March 18, 2004. 3月18日,在喀布尔举行的阿富汗国防军中央军团正式成立的仪式上,阿富汗国防军士兵进行演练。
- "A new national army would be formed after army integration and it would be done on the basis of a new national security policy. 塔帕部长说,“在军队合并后将成立一支新的国家军队,但这将建立在新的国家安全政策的基础上。”
- Mahatma Gandhi (1869 --1948), leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British rule, considered to be the father of his country. 圣雄甘地(1869-1948),印度爱国主义者反抗英国殖民统治运动的领导人,被认为是印度之父。