- Indian Buddhist logic 印度佛教逻辑
- As for Chinese Buddhism, the understanding and interpretation of Indian Buddhist sutra is nearly a kind of cultural "grafting". 中国佛学对印度佛典的理解与解释近乎一种文化"嫁接"。
- Therefore-the Indian Buddhism ultimately submerged within the mighty current of Hinduism. 佛教最终淹没在印度教的洪流之中。
- Indian Buddhism is one of the most important media to affect Chinese ancient thoughts and culture in early time. 印度佛教是影响古代中国思想文化的重要介质之一。
- The origin of Buddhist Logic has a close relation with severe dialectic spirit in ancient India, old Buddhist Logic and the logic research of Nyaya. 佛教逻辑的产生与古印度的激烈论辩风气紧密相关,与古因明家的学术探索相互促成,正理派的逻辑研究更是功不可没,这三方面的融合便促使佛教逻辑的诞生。
- Han Chinese Sangha community management, apart from the succession of Indian Buddhist precepts, pursue unique Zen temple regulations and details. 中国汉传佛教僧团的管理,除了继承印度佛教的戒律外,还奉行特有的禅林清规及细则。
- This weave is in a pattern of a god sitting with his legs crossed, who is suspected to be the Deva in Indian Buddhism. 在织物中间区域有一个交脚坐于高台上的神像,可能是印度佛教中的提婆形象。
- Contrastively, Indian Buddhism is negative and western philosophers call it passive ontology. 相比之下,印度佛学多是消极的、西方哲学家将之称为否定的存在论;
- The localization of Buddha's figure in China is the art product of historic culture after Indian Buddhism entering Chins. 摘要佛像在中国的本土化是印度佛教进入中国后的历史文化艺术产物。
- Indian Buddhism, particularly Mahayana, and Chinese Buddhism provide the theoretical as well as practical support to the secularization of Buddhism. 印度佛教特别是大乘佛教和中国佛教为佛教世俗化提供了理论上的支撑和良好的土壤。
- The young Situpa, who impressed Indian Buddhist scholars with his erudition, became a master of languages and went on to be one of Asia's greatest scholars of all time. 许多事件都与预言信中所描述的完全吻合,同时蒋丘多杰也能正确无误地选出,上一世噶玛巴所使用的物品,同时将其他物品丢弃。
- Chapter 4 examines how relevant sinicized ideologies in Indian Buddhism were involved in the construction of the writing rules for classical Chinese poetry. 第四章主要是研究相关的印度佛教思想,是怎样通过自身的中国化而参与到中国诗法论的建构中去的。
- The ancient Chinese pagoda took on its own distinct style when architects combined the features of circular Indian Buddhist pagodas with those of traditional Chinese pavilions and towers. 中国的建筑师们把印度佛塔的圆形与中国传统楼亭建筑方式相结合,从而使中国古塔形成自己的独特风格。
- In the Indian Buddhism, the doctrines of "the three periods (trayo-dhvana)" and "retribution for sin (karma)" is the significant influential theory to Chinese's religious thought and faith. 摘要印度佛教中的“三世”说和因果报应论是对中国人的宗教思想和信仰产生重大影响的理论。
- In Sichuan Tibetan areas local Tibetan people believe in what can be properlyu described as "Lamaism", an ancient strain of Tantric Indian Buddhism, coupled with Tibetan Shamanism. 在四川的西藏地区,当地的西藏人民信仰“喇嘛教”,印度佛教的一个古老种族,以及萨满教。
- Comparative Studies on the Mohist and Buddhist Logic 墨家逻辑与佛家逻辑之比较
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- the introduction of Indian Buddhism 印度佛教传入
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。
- A practitioner of a system of logic. 逻辑学家使用某一逻辑体系的人