- India has been ery successful. 李嘉诚:印度已经非常成功了。
- India has confirmed 16 cases of swine flu in humans and there have been no reported fatalities. 印度已经确认了16例人类感染又被称为猪流感的病例,但还没有患者死亡的报告。
- Over the past couple of decades India has been transformed from a licence Raj into a land of uncaged entrepreneurs. 过去的几十年中,印度从许可证说话的王国,转变成了自由企业家的乐土。
- This time India has shown admirable forbearance.There has been remonstrance but no sabre-rattling. 那次印度已表现了令人钦佩的忍耐力,双方一直抗议,但并没有剑拔弩张。
- A Muslim couple in India has been told by local Islamic leaders they must separate after the husband "divorced" his wife in his sleep. 印度一对穆斯林夫妇被当地伊斯兰教领导人强制离婚,因为丈夫在睡梦中三次说到“离婚”。
- With America's help, India has not only kept its nukes, but has been accepted for all practical purposes, and with extra benefits, as a nuclear power. 在美国的帮助下,印度不仅保留了它的核武器,而且实际上已经被接受,而且作为一个核大国,享有了额外的好处。
- India has been a big beneficiary of digitisation in terms of outsourcing.The Indian publishing industry grew by over 15 per cent this fiscal year. 印度已经成为数字化外包的最大受益者之一,印度出版业在本财年内增长了15%25。
- Unlike in past incidences, where India has been quick to blame Pakistan based groups for the blasts, this time it showed restraint. 与过去印度迅速抱怨在巴基斯坦的组织开火的情况不同,这次印方表现出克制态度。
- India has been wracked by bomb attacks the past three years, which police blame on Muslim militants intent on destabilizing this largely Hindu country. 在过去的3年中,印度一直饱受炸弹袭击。警方指称,印度穆斯林激进分子意图扰乱这个印度徒居大多数的国家。
- He said that even though India has been sub-loan crisis, but India's economic situation is still capable of withstanding the impact of the crisis. 他表示,尽管印度受到了次贷危机的影响,但是印度经济的形势仍然足以承受危机影响。
- His appointment as Commander-in-Chief in India had been generally acclaimed. 他被任命为印度总司令,人们交口称誉。
- But India has been too much trouble, in the form of lousy infrastructure, red tape, endless court cases and labour rigidities. 然后就是说说印度的经济发展如何快,但仍存在不少问题等等。"
- Cities across India have been put on high alert after 17 explosions in Ahmedabad on Saturday. 周六在艾哈迈达巴德发生了17次爆炸后,印度的城市进入了高度戒备的状态。
- A Muslim couple in India has been told by local Islamic leaders they must separate after the husband "divorced" his wife in his sleep, the Press Trust of India reported. 据印度报业托拉斯报道,印度一对穆斯林夫妇被当地的伊斯兰教领导人强制离婚,因为丈夫在睡梦中三次说到“离婚”。
- In a few cases in recent years women in India have been murdered, assaulted or harassed when returning home after night shifts. 近年来发生的一些案件中,印度女性在上夜班回家的路上遭到谋杀、攻击或骚扰。
- In addition, outbreaks of meningococcal meningitis in and around Delhi, India have been documented during 1966 and 1985. 此外,1966年至1985年期间曾记录在印度德里及周围地区发生脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎暴发。
- But, since India hasn't been one of aggravating, rambunctious nations of the world, maybe, that's why western counterparts have been somewhat indulgent. 一直以来印度并没有成为世界上的严重动乱的国家之一,也许,这就是为什么西方对其一直有些纵容的原因。
- By and large our work have been successful. 总的说我们的工作是成功的。
- Analysts say a key reason for Toyota's cautiousness in India has been the difficulty of mass-market producing while maintaining a reputation for reliability and safety. 分析师表示,丰田汽车对印度市场持谨慎态度的一个关键原因是难以在面向印度普通大众生产的同时维系其产品安全可靠的声誉。
- Because of the multi-ethnic and caste diversity and complexity of religion, with a large population, India has been independent since it is fertile soil for terrorist activities. 由于国内种族多元、种姓多样、宗教繁杂、人口众多,印度独立以来一直是恐怖活动的沃土。