- Ind me in this way 如此联系我
- I have been chained to the oars of this company for over 20 years, and now you dare to dismiss me in this way. 我在本公司辛辛苦苦干了二十多年,现在你竟敢就这么把我开除了。
- He's always trying to put me in the wrong; in this way,he hopes to spoil my relationship with my students. 他总是诬陷我,企图以此来破坏我跟学生的关系。
- In this way has the Lord dealt with me in the days in which He looked upon me to take away my reproach among men. 主在眷顾的日子,这样待我,要把我在人间的羞耻除掉。
- Arrow ou: If you think you can influence me in this way you're absolutely wrong. 欧雅若:如果你以为这样就可以影响我的话,那你就大错特错了。
- The work should be done in this way. 应该这样做工作。
- An opaque pigment used when painting in this way. 树胶水彩画颜料作这种画时所用的不透明颜料
- If you go on in this way,you'll be the death of me. 你要是这样继续下去,你会把我气死的。
- Why do you represent the matter in this way? 你为什麽把这事说成这样?
- A painting executed in this way. 湿壁画用这种方法画的画
- A set of staffs connected in this way. 用这种方式连接的一组五线谱
- Your servant will cross over the Jordan with the king for a short distance, but why should the king reward me in this way? 仆人只要送王过约旦河,王何必赐我这样的恩典呢?
- Only in this way can we shake off their evil influence. 只有这样我们才能摆脱他们的恶劣影响。
- O Arjuna, anyone who without delusion knows Me in this way as the Ultimate Personality, knows everything; such a one renders devotional service unto Me completely in all respects. 阿诸那啊,任何人这样明白无误地懂得“我”就是至尊人格神,他就明了了一切。这样的人,就会在方方面面,全然地向“我”提供奉献服务。
- Are you with me or against me in this matter? 对于这件事,你是赞成还是反对我?
- In this way they can better apply theory to practice. 这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。
- Arjuna, anyone who without delusion knows Me in this way as the Ultimate Personality, knows everything; such a one renders devotional service unto Me completely in all respects. 阿诸那啊,任何人这样明白无误地懂得“我”就是至尊人格神,他就明了了一切。这样的人,就会在方方面面,全然地向“我”提供奉献服务。
- I am reckoning on you to support me in this matter. 我正指望你在这件事上支持我。
- You presume to jest with me in this free manner. 你敢在我面前这么放肆地开玩笑。
- If you break the peace in this way again, you'll go to prison. 假如你再这样妨碍治安,你就会被送进监狱。