- This snapshot hasn't printed very well. 这张快照印出来不太清楚。
- He had a snapshot of his girl friend. 他有一张他女朋友的快照。
- The letters give us a snapshot of his life abroad. 这些信件使我们对他在海外的生活约略有所了解。
- Incremental snapshot 增量快照
- A finite increment in a variable. 变量增量变量的有限增量
- A decrease, especially a small or incremental one. 减少尤指小规模或逐步增加者的减少
- Send or receiving a new snapshot overwrite the previous image. 发送或接收一幅新的快照会覆盖前面的图象。
- During a call, press the snapshot button to send a snapshot. 在呼叫过程中,按Snapshot键发送一幅快照。
- It applies the initial snapshot to the Subscriber and moves and reconciles incremental data changes that occur. 它将初始快照应用于订阅服务器,并移动和协调所发生的增量数据更改。
- Support more network increment service in future. 支持将来更多网络增值业务的接入。
- SQL Server creates a static snapshot cursor. SQL Server创建了一个静态快照游标。
- They are sometimes referred to as snapshot cursors. 它们有时称为快照游标。
- Incremental backup of database to %1. 数据库的增量备份到%251。
- Snapshot of the cultural capital at the Rhine. 莱茵河畔的文化之都快照。
- By default, the linker runs in incremental mode. 默认情况下,链接器以增量模式运行。
- Request for a cached report or snapshot. 请求缓存的报表或快照。
- She receives a salary increment each year. 她每年得到加薪。
- Transaction ID of the current snapshot. 当前快照的事务ID。
- If 1, publication is a snapshot type. 如果该值为1,则发布为快照类型。
- Incremental Shu-ping from ore mining and Kaiyuan. 增量来自于平舒矿和开元矿。