- One is increasing greenhouse gases, and the other one is the likely recovery of stratospheric ozone. 一个是温室气体增加,另一个是平流层臭氧的可能恢复。
- The UK has proved that economic growth does not have to lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions. 我们的经验证明,经济增长并非必然导致温室气体排放的增加。
- We use the regional air quality model CHIMERE driven by meteorological fields from regional climate change simulations to investigate changes in summer ozone mixing ratios over Europe under increased greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing. 研究者使用区域性的空气品质模式(CHIMERE)来模拟气候条件所增加之绿室气体对于夏季臭氧混和比例之改变情形。
- Competition of NAO regime changes and increasing greenhouse gases and aerosols with respect to Arctic climate projections NAO体系变化、温室气体增加和与北极气候投影有关气溶胶的竟争
- Increasing greenhouse gases 温室气体增加
- No greenhouse gases would be released. 不会释放出温室气体。
- Greenhouse gases, for example, are global problems. 例如,温室气体排放是个全球性的问题。
- What makes them "greenhouse gases"? 温室气体怎么产生?
- Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas. 二氧化碳是主要的温室气体。
- Through burning coal, oil and gas, people have been increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as CO2. 通过燃烧煤、石油和天然气,人们增加了大气中的"温室"气体,例如二氧化碳。
- Through burning coal,oil and gas,people have been increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere,such as CO2. 通过燃烧煤,油和可燃气,温室气体在大气中的(含量)变多,例如CO2(二氧化碳)。
- Carbon tax A tax levied on products that emit greenhouse gases. 燃烧废气释放税对释放温室气体的产品征收的一种税。
- Can you think of other ways to control greenhouse gases? 你还知道哪些方法可以控制温室效应?
- Man-made greenhouse gases now threaten this stability. 但如今,人类制造的温室气体正在威胁这种稳定。
- He blamed a buildup of heat-trapping greenhouse gases. 汉森认为"温室气体"排放量增加是罪魁祸首。
- The rise in greenhouse gases is partially the result deforestation. 森林的过度砍伐是造成温室气体增加的部分原因。
- Tick the gases in the table below that are greenhouse gases. 给下表中你认为是温室气体的元素打沟.
- Buildings constructed by this method contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases making them friendly to the environment and increasing their future resale value. 建筑物建造的这种方法有助于减少温室气体使他们环境友好型和提高自己的未来转售价值。
- The scientists say that rising temperatures caused by greenhouse gases are increasing humidity, which in turn amplifies the temperature rise. 科学家称,温室效应气体引起的增温使得湿度提高,后者则进一步强化温度上升。
- Managed grasslands: A greenhouse gas sink or source? 管理的草原:温室气体汇(下沉)还是源?