- She gave an incomplete account of the incident. 她对那个事件作了不完整的叙述。
- Anesthesia was a great innovation in medicine. 麻醉是一项伟大的医学创新。
- An incomplete or imperfect line of verse. 不完全的诗行或不完美的诗行
- Incomplete anesthesia 麻醉不全
- They only got an incomplete set of results from the experiment. 他们从这次实验中只得到了一组不完整的答案。
- The doctor thinks local anesthesia will do for the operation. 医生认为这次手术用局部麻醉就可以了。
- The novel remained incomplete at the author's death. 作者去世时,那部小说仍未写完。
- The baggage for Flight Two was already incomplete. 第二次班机的行李已经出现短缺。
- Anesthesia can be induced by any suitable method. 麻醉可用任何合适的方法诱导。
- Pay attention to incomplete plosion. 注意不完全爆破。
- What type of anesthesia will be used? 将用哪种的麻醉?
- Smith's argument was incomplete in many ways. 史密斯的论点在许多方面是不完善的。
- Anesthesia of the lower half of the body. 下半身麻醉。
- The Old Testament, on any showing, is incomplete. 不管你怎么看,旧约是不完整的。
- Do the elderly respond differently to anesthesia? 老年人对麻醉剂的反应会有不同吗?
- But still the puzzle remained incomplete. 但是谜底还尚未揭开。
- No reports of paroxetine-induced anesthesia exist. 还没有帕罗西丁引起麻木的报告。
- A brief, incomplete view or look. 一瞥,一看短促的,粗略的一瞥或一看
- The history of anesthesia is quite long. 麻醉的历史是相当长的。
- What kind of anesthesia will I need? 我需要的麻醉类型是什么?