- Include the header file here 在这里调用模板头文件
- Include the header file in the source file. 将头文件包括在源文件中。
- In all of the source modules that reference functions, variables, data structures, or symbols, you must include the header file created by the DLL developer. 在引用函数、变量、数据、结构或符号的所有源代码模块中,必须包含DLL开发人员创建的头文件。
- The header file must be in the include path or part of the current project. 头文件必须位于包含路径中或者是当前项目的一部分。
- The header file was moved to "%2". 头文件已移动到“%252”。
- We start by including the necessary header files. 我们首先要包含必要的头文件.
- Gets or sets the size, in bytes, of the header file. 获取和设置头文件的大小,以字节为单位。
- Provides a comment in the header file for the member variable. 提供成员变量头文件中的注释。
- Sets the name of the header file for the new object's class. 为新对象的类设置头文件的名称。
- A list of the header files can be found in the. 中可以找到头文件列表。
- This sample exports functions with the types defined in the header file. 此示例使用头文件中定义的类型导出函数。
- Usage of each function is described in detail in the header file comments. 在头文件注释中详细介绍了每一函数的用法。
- The FileLength field is the total length of the SWF file including the header. 文件长度字段代表包括文件头整个文件的总长度。
- That way, if the file we are compiling happens to include this header a second time, the #ifndef directive will discover that SALESITEM_H is defined and skip the rest of the header file. 那样的话,如果我们编译的文件恰好又一次包含了该头文件。%23ifndef指示会发现SALESITEM_H已经定义,并且忽略该头文件的剩余部分。
- If you include the header of a library with separate source, then you get that libraries source and all it's dependencies. 如果包含库的独立于源文件的头文件,你将得到库的源文件和所有的依赖项。
- The names for the header file and source file will be the same as the name you chose for the project above. 头文件和源文件的名称与您在前面为项目选择的名称相同。
- Allows you to change the name of the header file where the symbol definitions for your resource file are stored. 允许更改存储资源文件符号定义的头文件的名称。
- The wizard inserts into the header file a message map and declarations for handling the default click events. 此向导在头文件中插入处理默认单击事件的消息映射和声明。
- Perquisites include the use of the company car. 福利包括可以使用公司的汽车。
- Generates both the class constructor and the class definition as inline functions in the header file. 将类构造函数和类定义两者生成为头文件中的内联函数。