- In total not one less 一个都不能少
- I'm not one of those people who go in for dieting. 我不是那种习惯于限制饮食的人。
- Not one little chip at a time, but smash'means to deal with the problem with might and determination. 而且解决这个问题还不能每次一小片。
- She has not one dram of learning. 她一点学问也没有。
- His plan ended in total failure. 他的计划以彻底失败告终。
- That will cost you 7.50 in total. 你总共要花7.;50英镑。
- Not one in ten of the boys could spell well. 这些男孩中拼写正确的不到十分之一。
- He has many faults, but vanity is not one of them. 他有很多缺点,但并没有虚荣心。
- I'm not one to keep a wife grilling in the plains. 我可不是要把妻子留在平原上受煎烤的那种人。
- She is not one to find quarrel in a straw. 她不是吹毛求疵的人。
- Dimension arrays as one less than the total number of elements. 将数组尺寸定义为元素总个数减1。
- I am in total disagreement with you as to the value of your plan. 对你计划的价值我的看法与你的完全两样。
- B: Abby encourages to 'crack the nut, not one little chip at a time, but BAM, smash'. To crack the nut means to solve the difficult problem. 字面意思是把坚果砸开,比喻解决难题。
- He is not one of the proletariat. 他不是无产阶级的一员。
- Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by. 靠岸:你我二人皆英雄,英雄岂可饿肚。今日一聚,不醉不归!
- During the occupation, we had to live in total submission (to the invader). 在沦陷时期,我们得听凭(侵略者的)摆布。
- Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself. 不要向不如你幸运的人讲述你的幸福。
- Not one man in a beer commercial has a beer belly. 没有一个从事啤酒贸易的男人有啤酒肚。
- They fumbled around in total darkness. 他们在黑暗中摸索前进。
- Not one of the men dared look him in the eye. 没有人敢正眼看他。