- In flight weather radar failed. 空中气象雷达失效。
- The bird extended its wings in flight. 那鸟展翅飞翔。
- Astronauts in flight must adjust to weightlessness. 宇航员在飞行中必须适应失重状态。
- The birds rose and dipped in flight. 鸟儿在飞行中时高时低。
- She photographed the birds in flight. 她拍摄鸟儿飞行的照片。
- The undercarriage on light aircraft does not always retract in flight. 轻型飞机飞行时起落架不一定缩回。
- Weather radar emits microwave at fixed time intervals. 天气雷达会定时发出微波。
- Will you be showing a movie in flight this evening? 今天晚上飞机上会放映电影吗?
- The plane was fatally crippled when the rear cargo door was pulled off in flight. 当后舱门在飞行中被掀掉时,飞机受到了致命的损伤。
- It's unusual to see swans in flight. 看见天鹅飞是不寻常的。
- The bird extendedits wings in flight. 那鸟展翅飞翔。
- The Observatory's weather radar system at Tate's Cairn detects rain within about 500 km of Hong Kong and gives estimates of rain intensity and movement. 天文台设于大老山的天气雷达,能监察香港约500公里范围内的降雨区,和估计雨势及雨区的移动。
- The bird was shot down in flight. 这只鸟是在飞行中被打下来的。三、练习题。
- It flutters like soft wings in flight. 象轻捷的翅膀在飞翔
- The smugglers were in flight for the border. 走私犯正逃往边境。
- Whitening in Range to Improve Weather Radar Spectral Moment Estimates. Part I: Formulation and Simulation. 向白端移动以改变天气雷达谱的瞬间估计,第一部分:算法和模拟。
- I had to seek safety in flight . 我只好逃难去了。
- The Observatory has used weather radar for weather monitoring and forecasting for more than 40 years. 天文台利用天气雷达作监测天气及预报已有超过40多年的历史。
- To turn off(an aircraft engine) while in flight. 关引擎在飞行中关掉(飞机的一个引擎)
- The presence of the low level jet was also well captured by the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar TDWR at 6 deg scan. 该低空急流的存在亦为机场多普勒天气雷达TDWR在6度扫描时探测到。