- In casinos on crystal meth. 在那镶满水晶的赌场.
- He signed to play the casino on dec 18. 他签约了在十二月八号参加娱乐场的表演。
- That Jake was the first guy that brought her crystal meth. Jake是第一个给她带兴奋剂的人。
- To think that just two years ago, I was a small town mayor of Alaska's crystal meth capitol. 想想仅仅两年前,我还是阿拉斯加小镇的市长。
- The Penghu county government has started work on a land integration project for construction of casinos on the island. 澎湖县政府为了在澎湖盖赌场,已开始进行土地整合计画的工作。
- The Marangoni Convection is of significant effects on crystal growth of metals. 摘要马兰哥尼对流对金属的晶体生长过程具有重要影响。
- Some new contents have been found on the influence of structure anisotropy on crystal growth. 关于晶面结构各向异性对晶体生长影响的研究已有新的内容;
- Then, in the public eye, the Cinderella in my resembling fairy tale is same, put on crystal shoe, became broadness too. 于是,在众目睽睽之下,我像童话里的灰姑娘一样,穿上了水晶鞋,变成了阔太。
- Jobless people around Greenwich or Blackpool may be as likely to lose their shirts gambling in casinos as they are to get jobs in them. 格林威治或不莱克浦周边的无业人员也许能在赌场谋一份差事,同理,他们也可能在赌场输个一干二净。
- The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子们在公园里荡秋千。
- He signed to play the casino on Dec. 18; The soprano signed to sing the new opera. 他签约在十二月八号参加娱乐场表演;那个女高音签约演唱。
- The height of the steps on crystal faces increases with the increment of oversaturation degree of gold. 晶面上阶梯状生长纹的高度随金的过饱和度的增大而增高,阶梯的密度随热液碱性程度的升高而增大。
- Crystal meth may be reclassified 水晶方法可以归类
- As he borrowed money from a usurer to gamble in Casino and he lost all the money at last. 他向高利贷者借钱一赌场豪赌,终于失去所有金钱。
- Crystal meth may be reclassified - Details 水晶方法,可归类-详情
- Prosecutors say that checks issued to Chiou by Taiwan's foreign ministry and earmarked for diplomacy were subsequently cashed in casinos abroad. 检方说支票由台湾外交部发给邱义仁且是为外交之用,之后在国外赌场兑现。
- The state gaming control board estimates that more than one hundred million dollars could be bet in Nevada casinos on this year's game. 州赌博控制董事会估计,在内华达州娱乐场,与今年超级杯赛事相关的赌注将超过一亿美元。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- He has trained law enforcement agencies and has testified as an expert witness in casino cheating cases. 他在赌博娱乐场欺诈的事例训练了执法机构和作证作为一个专家证人。
- Recently, there have been reports about Britney Spears gambling in casinos and jumping into cars without wearing panties. 最近,布兰妮在娱乐场所赌博,并且不穿内裤跳进车内。