- Would you each morning truly meet God and worship Him in spirit and in truth, then let your heart be filled with the Word of God in the Psalms. 你若要每个早晨真的遇见神,并在心灵和真实里敬拜他,你就需要让你的心充满了诗篇里面神的话语。
- In Spirit and in Truth 用心灵和诚实
- After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, "I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me. 耶稣说了这话,心里忧愁,就明说:“我实实在在的告诉你们,你们中间有一个人要卖我了。
- Believest thou? Then let thine activities bespeak that thou wouldst have, in spirit, in truth. 你信吗?那么让你的行为在灵性中、在真理里,讲出你的所信。
- Visually the two films were so different, and in spirit they were so different. 视觉上这两个电影有很大区别,内核上也是。
- She has two cars and in addition a motorboat. 她有两辆轿车外加一艘汽艇。
- Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul. 保罗思想中的圣灵观与末世论。
- In reality or in truth; actually. 实际上,确实情况; 事实上
- He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire. 他将用圣神和火来给你们授洗。
- He is old in age yet young in spirit. 他虽年老,但朝气蓬勃。
- Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud. 心里谦卑与穷乏人来往,强如将掳物与骄傲人同分。
- The door burst open and in rushed the crowd. 门突然一下被砸开,一群人蜂拥而入。
- In truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire. 事实上,道德沦丧加速了罗马帝国的衰亡。
- Birthday may come, and may go. But you still seem to be young in spirit and heart with each birthday! 生日来了又去。可是随着一个又一个的生日,你的精神和心灵依然年轻!
- You are expected to apply the highest ethical standards, both in spirit and action, in your day-to-day work. 因此,我们期望员工能够用最严格的职业操守标准来规范自己在日常工作中的思想和行为。
- Poe and Edgarpo, word and echo, are in truth indistinguishable. 坡和艾德加坡,一如声和回声,实际上亦此亦彼。
- My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 小子们哪,我们相爱,不要只在言语和舌头上。总要在行为和诚实上。
- Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose. 你们就要意念相同,爱心相同,有一样的心思,有一样的意念,使我的喜乐可以满足。
- Now, Freddie, off to bed and in double-quick time. 好,福菜迪,上床睡觉去,越快越好。
- Most men in the hour of success and prosperity become exalted in spirit and feel excessive pride and haughtiness. 多数人在取得胜利和成就的时刻都会得意洋洋、骄傲自大、目中无人。