- In Memory of Pope John Paul II 缅怀教宗若望保禄二世
- Pope John Paul II makes a point of giving at least some of his speeches in the language of the country he's visiting. He has the gift of tongues. 罗马教皇约翰保罗二世在他访问别的国家时,坚持用该国的语言进行部分的演讲。他具有多种语言才能。
- People worldwide are mourning the loss of Pope John Paul II (1920-2005), who died April 2, 2005. The Vatican attributed the cause of death to septic shock and cardiocirculatory collapse. 我不是基督徒,但我很尊敬保罗,这是一个时代的智者,对于人类和平的坚定追求,对于东欧成功转型发挥了重要的作用。
- Pope John Paul II, Man of the Year Dec. 梵蒂冈教皇约翰保罗二世。
- during the papacy of Pope John Paul II 教宗若望保禄二世任职期间
- Remembrance of Pope John Paul II 追思罗马教皇约翰·保罗二世
- Witness To Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II 希望见证人:约翰·保罗二世传记
- His Holiness Pope John Paul II was welcomed by the crowd. 尊敬的保罗教皇陛下受到人群的欢迎。
- As a result, Pope John Paul II excommunicated the four in 1988. 教皇约翰保罗二世在1988年将其4人驱逐出教会。
- 25Th Anniversary of the Election of Pope John Paul II 教皇保罗二世登基25周年纪念
- Pope John Paul II and the Protestant bishops of the U.S. 罗马教皇与美国的新教徒。
- Pope John Paul II was given the 400th Enzo model by the factory. 教宗若望保禄二世是由于第四百恩佐模型的工厂。
- At that time, the pontiff, Pope John Paul II may attend the meeting. 届时教宗若望保禄二世或将参加这次会议。
- Pope John Paul II pauses as he leads a special audience in Paul VI hall at the Vatican. 教皇保罗二世在梵蒂冈保罗四世大厅主持布道时休息.
- "Pastor of the world's largest religious body, Pope John Paul II incenses an altar at Mass. 作为世界上最大宗教团体的祭司,教皇约翰保罗二世在弥撒时对祭坛薰香。
- He found the charity in memory of his late wife. 他兴办那项慈善事业以纪念他已故的妻子。
- Then we flew on to Denver, where we welcomed Pope John Paul II to the United States. 接着我们又飞往丹佛,在那里迎接访问美国的教皇约翰.;保罗二世。
- He founded the charity in memory of his late wife. 他兴办那项慈善事业以纪念他已故的妻子。
- Pope John Paul II in 1992 expressed regret over what he called a ‘tragic mutual incomprehension. 1992年,教皇约翰保罗二世(PopeJohnPaulII)对他所说的“互不理解的悲剧”表示了遗憾。
- We named the lake Rebecca in memory of her. 为了纪念她,我们把这个湖命名为"丽贝卡"。