- Imura Hikaru 伊村光(1914-),日本人,银行家。
- "We are happy to learn that you have improved rapidly under the guidance of head coach Masayo Imura. 希望你们发扬优良传统,坚持“从零开始”,加强针对性和实战性训练,在奥运会赛场上为祖国争得更多的荣誉。
- From rookie to pro, Hikaru adanced greatly under Sai's guidance and Akira's pressure. 在佐为的指导与小亮的压力下,光仔进步神速,从菜鸟成长为专业棋手。
- MASAYO IMURA, who coached Japan to 6 Olympic medals, became the coach of China's synchronized swimming team in 2006. 井村雅代所训练的日本女子花样游泳队为日本赢得6面奥运会奖牌。2006年他受聘训练中国女子花样游泳队。
- You have the sweetness and inocence of young Akira when he met Hikaru for the first time. 你有第一次遇见小光时初期的小亮的可爱和纯洁。
- Taiwanese-Heavenly KingJay Chou's annual income is more than Japan's Heavenly Queen Utada Hikaru. 台湾天王周杰伦的年收入,原来超越日本赫赫有名的天后宇多田!
- Akira Touya has many faces and styles, and he also changes and evolves through time in the Hikaru no Go series. 塔矢亮有很多的面孔和风格,他在棋魂系列里也透过时间来改变、增进自己。
- It may have come from nowhere, but the love between Lantis and Hikaru was definitely real ... and astonishingly strong. 至于兰迪斯,我不清楚他是否意识到自己爱上了光,直到光无意识的告白之前。他大概不晓得怎么处理感情问题,不论是自己的或是光的。
- They never had a chance to talk to one-another after Nova made Hikaru's emotions so blatantly clear to Lantis, Hikaru, and Eagle. 我对光和兰迪斯都有相同的疑问,他们的爱出现的太突然,他们相爱吗?
- Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy was first described in Japan by professor Hikaru Sato. It is characterized by acute chest pain,ST-segment elevation accompanied by reversible apical ballooning in the absence of significant coronary artery disease. Tako-Tsubo心肌病于1990年由日本的Sato等首次报道,其主要临床表现为胸痛、心电图ST-T改变、可逆性左心室功能障碍和冠脉造影结果正常。
- Hikaru, a 17 year old boy frustrated by his home life with his single mother and having been expelled from many high schools for bad behavior, enters Michi's class as a new transfer student. 光,一名17岁男孩沮丧,他的家庭生活与他的单身母亲和被驱逐出许多高中的不良行为,进入道的阶级作为一个新的转学。
- Story Introduction:Hikaru Shindo is just a normal 12 year old boy, but one day he's rumaging through his Grandfather's things to see if he can find something to sell and pulls out an old Go board. 该卡通情节跌宕起伏,机智推理,形象幽默,语言逗趣,集集有悬念,处处有高潮。
- Imura 伊穆拉
- Imura Minoru 猪村稔(1912-),日本人,实业家。
- Imura Eizō 井村荣三(1909-),日本人,实业家。
- Imura Tōru 井村彻
- Weihua FANG , and Hidefumi IMURA, Comparison of empirical PET (potential evapotranspiration) estimation methods in the Yellow River basin. Environmental Systems Research, JSCE, Vol. 31, Nov. 2003 王静爱,方伟华,徐霞,中国清代中后期(1736-1911年)水灾受灾比动态变化及风险评估,自然灾害学报,1998,第7卷,第2期
- Tagami Hikaru 田上光(1921-),日本人,大分县日中友好协会负责人。
- Shōji Hikaru 庄司光(1905-),日本人,工科教授。