- Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员
- Clients are located and contacted by the liaison staff in Hong Kong. 该名联络人员,会在香港寻找及联络客户。
- The role of the liaison staff is to act as a link between the clients and Company A in London. 该联络人员的角色是担当客户与在伦敦的A公司之间的桥梁。
- If the clients have any specific requirements, the liaison staff can pass them on to London for incorporation into the structure of the product. 假如客户有任何特定要求,该名联络人员可把要求转达伦敦,以便纳入产品的结构内。
- Practice and Research on Key Reader Liaison Staff System 重点读者联络员制度的实践与思考
- Some of the teachers and staff members board out. 有些住在学校的教职工在外搭伙。
- I regret having to make so many staff redundant. 我很遗憾不得不裁减这么多职员。
- An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff. 一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。
- He likes to lord it over the junior staff. 他喜欢对下级职员逞威风。
- He plans to import an automatic bobbin loader.. 他计划进囗一架自动装线机。
- Quite a few of our sale staff are women. 我们相当多的销售人员是妇女。
- The miscellaneous expenses of import are so much! 进口货物的杂费太多了!
- His staff is insolent to our manager. 他的员工对我们的经理很无礼。
- After the Southern Anhwei Incident of 1941, the Kuomintang liaison staff officer once asked me what we intended to do 在皖南事变以后,有一次,国民党的联络参谋问我们的动向如何。
- A manager should be accessible to his staff. 一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。
- It is profitable to import food. 进口食品可赚钱。
- I am on the editorial staff of the newspaper. 我在这家报纸的编辑部工作。
- The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1986. 在1986年,棉织品的进口猛增。
- Mr. Wang is a staff of France airline. 王先生是法国航空公司的一名职员。
- The quota on import cars has been lifted. 对汽车的进口配额已被取消。