- Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors 软组织肿瘤成像
- Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) was introduced in the early 1960s to describe a group of soft tissue tumors. 摘要恶性纤维组织细胞瘤是在1960年代被提出,用来描述一群软组织瘤。
- Needle aspiration for cytologic diagnosis of soft tissue tumor 软组织肿瘤的针吸细胞学诊断
- Excision of soft tissue tumor, benign, large or deep 踝关节固定术软组织良性肿瘤切除术,大或深
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans provide extremely detailed images of soft tissues. 核磁共振为精密观察软组织的病变提供了一项有力手段。
- MFH is one of the most common soft tissue tumors of adults. 它是成人的软组织瘤中最常见的一种。
- Discuss distinguishment and significance of soft tissue tumor on color doppler ultrasound 彩色多普勒超声对软组织肿物良恶性的鉴别
- Treatment of soft tissue tumors 软组织肿瘤的治疗
- New methods for the diagnosis and treatment of skeletal and soft tissue tumors are needed urgently. 寻求新的骨与软组织肿瘤诊治方法是目前临床医学亟待解决问题。
- Periodontitis : Inflammation of soft tissues around the teeth. 牙周炎:牙齿周围软组织的炎症。
- Main duct IPMT (N=2) was characterized by marked dilatation of main pancreatic duct with diffuse intraductal papillary soft tissue tumors. 主胰管型IPMT的表现为主胰管明显扩张伴随了弥漫性的管内乳突状软组织肿瘤。
- Objective To determine if in vivo detection of choline by1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy(1H-MRS) could differentiate between benign and malignant bone and soft tissue tumors. 目的探讨磁共振氢质子波谱(1H-MRS)是否有助于四肢骨与软组织良恶性肿瘤的诊断及鉴别。
- Development of Two-Dimensional Digitization System for the Ultrasound Strain Imaging of Soft Tissues 二维数字化超声软组织应变成像系统的研制
- The endometrioma of the abdominal wall is a rare disease which usually mimics a soft tissue tumor. 摘要发生于腹壁腹直肌之子宫内膜瘤较为少见且临床上通常被误认为软组织肿瘤。
- Objective To evaluate the surgical and reconstruction method and oncological and functional results in patients with bone and soft tissue tumors of the shoulder girdle. 目的探讨肩部肿瘤的手术切除方式、重建方法以及术后功能情况,同时总结该部位肿瘤的综合治疗效果。
- Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma is a rare, soft tissue tumor with a characteristic histologic appearance. 摘要骨骼外黏液样软骨肉瘤是一种极少见从软组织长出的软骨肉瘤,它有组织上特殊的表徵。
- In 1990 the agency allowed laser cuffing of soft tissue such as gums. 1990年,这个机构允许使用激光切割像牙龈这样的软组织。
- Soft-tissue Sarcoma of the Extremities - This exhibit is a comprehensive review of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging features of soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities. 回顾核磁共振图像在肢体软组织肉瘤上的重要作用。
- I mentioned in the begining I am gyn/breast pathologist and know a little about soft tissue tumor. 我在一开始就提到,我是妇科/乳腺病理医生,对软组织肿瘤了解不多。
- To be considered in the differential diagnosis of nodular fasciitis are seeral other soft tissue tumors arising from fat, muscle, neres, connectie tissue, and blood essels. 结节性筋膜炎的鉴别诊断要考虑到其他起源于脂肪、肌肉、神经、结蒂组织和血管的几种软组织肿瘤。