- Jet Digital Imaging Technology Co., Ltd. 前瞻影像科技有限公司。
- Qingdao JiaBao Digital Imaging Technology Co., Ltd. 青岛佳宝数码影像科技有限公司。
- Imetto Digital Imaging Technology Co., Ltd. 广东易美图数码影像科技有限公司。
- Huber GmbH Hunkeler Far East Limited HUQIU IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES (SUZHOU) CO., LTD. 虎丘影像科技(苏州)有限公司。
- Vector graphics plays an important role in computer animation and imaging technologies. 矢量图形学在计算机图形学的许多领域中有着非常重要的作用。
- The main operating room in Aachen is larger than normal and crammed full of advanced imaging technologies. 亚琛的主手术室比一般的手术室要大,而且满是先进的成像设备。
- Comparative imageology which is based on mastering several imaging technologies can analyze and compare diseases in different respects. 比较影像学是以掌握多种影像检查作为基础的,能从不同角度进行疾病的分析比较。
- Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) is a new imaging technology. 阻抗成像(EIT)是一种全新的医学成像技术。
- Virotherapists are now teaming with radiologists to establish novel imaging technologies to easily measure how effectively a given virotherapy is replicating. 目前,病毒疗法的专家已和放射学家联手建立新式造影技术,目的是为了更容易评估某个病毒疗法效用的再现性。
- With the development of imaging technologies,ultrasonography is expected to forecast preferably the turnover of scrotal diseases and guide clinical treatment. 随着造影技术的发展,超声检查将更好地预测阴囊疾病的转归,指导临床治疗。
- Beijing Join Hope Image Technology Ltd. 北京嘉恒中自图像技术有限公司。
- Beijing MIT Medical Image Technology Co., Ltd. 北京迈特医学影像技术开发公司。
- Nanjing Taiji Image Technology Co., Ltd. 南京太极图像技术有限公司。
- Ming zhi Medical Image Technology Co., Ltd. 明志医学影像科技有限公司。
- In addition, the digital imaging technology patent protection are invalidated. 此外,人们对数字成像技术的专利保护也已经开始失效。
- Recent development and status of uncooled IR thermal imaging technology[J]. 引用该论文 邢素霞;张俊举;常本康;钱芸生.
- Machine Vision Group is in the imaging technologies laboratory of the department of electrical engineering, University of Ljubljana.The website can offer the information about people, publicaitons, resea. 南斯拉夫卢布尔雅纳大学电子工程系机器视觉研究小组。
- From innovative document scanners and multipurpose network scanners, to integrated imaging technologies that convert digital files to film and back, we're meeting the business demands of your digital world. 从创新文档扫描仪及多用途网络扫描仪,到可将数字文档和缩微胶片相互转换的整合影像技术,我们满足了您数字领域的业务需要。
- To allow visitors to experience the newest technologies, products, systems and software for the digital network age, and the merger of communications, information and imaging technologies. 让参观者能够经历数字化互联网年代最新的科技产品系统和软件,是交流,信息和图像技术的整合者。