- Ilex viridisn. 绿冬青
- Ilex asprella (Hook et Arn.)Champ. ex Benth. 岗梅
- Compounds from Leaf of Ilex purpurea Hassk. 四季青叶化学成分研究。
- Several new taxa of Ilex from Sichuan. 四川冬青属植物的新等级.
- A preliminary report on the genus Ilex in Jiangxi. 江西冬青属树种调查初报.
- Advances in research of chemistry and pharmacology of Ilex L. 冬青属植物化学成分及药理活性研究进展。
- Any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Ilex; holly. 冬青属植物冬青科的任意树木或灌木冬青;冬青属植物
- Title: Studies on Phenolic Acids from Ilex purpurea Hassk. 关键词:四季青;冬青属;酚酸类;龙胆酸;异香草酸
- There are many euglena viridis algae in the water, which makes the water green. 水里有好多的眼虫,把水面都染绿了。
- Any of various trees or shrubs of the genus Ilex;holly. 冬青属植物冬青科的任意树木或灌木冬青;冬青属植物
- Golden color of a piece, are the fruits of Ilex heavy autumn gift. 一片片金灿灿的颜色,满树沉甸甸的果实都是秋的馈赠。
- GC-MS Determination of Volatile Components in Ilex latifolia[J]. 引用该论文 邢莹莹;岑颖洲;芮雯;伍秋明.
- The Comparison of Frozen Resistance of Several Tree Species of Ilex L. 几种冬青属植物抗冻能力比较。
- Development of refreshing beverage of Ilex kudingcha and Momordica charantia L. 苦丁茶和苦瓜清凉饮料的研制。
- I chattered cage, a film Zhujia laver, a bedspace apartments Pteria, a string Perna viridis, vibrant Crassostrea gigas. 一格格养殖网箱,一片片紫菜竹架、一笼笼珍珠贝、一串串翡翠贻贝、太平洋牡蛎生机勃勃。
- A shrub(Ilex glabra)of eastern North America,having black,berrylike fruit. 光滑冬青一种北美洲东部的(冬青属光滑冬青)灌木,有黑色的象浆果的果实
- Results of radioactive trace experiments showed that the absorption of 134Cs and 65Zn by Perna viridis was selective. 示踪实验结果说明,翡翠贻贝对~(134)Cs和~(65)Zn是有选择性吸收的。
- The enzymes from Saccharomonospora viridis were used in wheat straw soda-AQ pulp bleaching an. 用该菌所产粗酶液漂白麦草烧碱-蒽醌浆,并对漂白机理进行研究。
- A shrub(Ilex glabra) of eastern North America, having black, berrylike fruit. 光滑冬青一种北美洲东部的(冬青属光滑冬青)灌木,有黑色的象浆果的果实
- The gill tectology and ultrastructure of Perna viridis were observed using light and electron microscopes. 摘要应用光镜和透射电镜观察翡翠贻贝鳃的组织形态学和超微结构。