- Ikeda Hisakatsu 池田久克(1934-),日本人,官员。
- World peace has been Ikeda Daisaku's value pursuit. 摘要世界和平是池田大作的价值追求。
- Mr.Daisaku Ikeda is a rare religious philosopher and thinker in modern times. 摘要池大大作先生是现当代少有的宗教哲学家和思想家。
- The founder, Dr.Daisaku Ikeda, is a renowned religious leader and educationist. 创价学会还在敦煌建造了一座美术馆。
- To really understand Daisaku Ikeda, one must make a thorough study of his philosophical thoughts. 倘若对池田大作的哲学思想不进行深入的思考和研究,一个真正的“池田像”便难以获得显现;
- Kobaysahi F,Ikeda T,Marumo F,et al.Adenosine deaminase isoenzymes in liver disease. Am J Gastroenterol,1993(88):266. 侯振江,张宗英,张淑敏.;腺苷脱氨酶测定的临床应用
- Ikeda U,Shimada K,Matrix metalloproteinases and coronary artery diseases[J].Clin Cardiol,2003 ;26:55-9. 赵敏;王钢;何军.;氟伐他汀对急性冠状动脉综合征患者血清C反应蛋白的影响[J]
- SGI President Daisaku Ikeda states, "The important thing is that both women and men become happy as human beings. 断除痛苦的方法可以说有三种:第一种就是知道这是之前你所造成的因果,所以你便会乐于去承受它所造成的痛苦;
- In 1960 Ikeda Hayato, the prime minister, unveiled his “Income Doubling Plan”, which unleashed the doken kokka or the “construction state”. 1960年,日本首相池田勇人揭开他的“收入翻一番计划”,也从此开始了轰轰烈烈的“国家土木建设”。
- Under the leadership of Prime Minister Ikeda, former minister of MITI, the Japanese government undertook an ambitious "income-doubling plan. 在首相池田的领导下,日本政府进行了一项雄心勃勃的“收入倍增计划。”
- Ikeda's advocacy of practicable spirit of seeking peace and against wars can be traced to the same origin of Mohist theory of universal love and no war. 墨子的“兼爱非攻”与池田力主以实践的精神去反对战争,追求和平,凸显了东方思想家一脉相承的思想源流。
- It is common in Japanese foods, particularly kombu, a type of sea vegetable similar to kelp, and in bacon and monosodium glutamate (MSG), which Ikeda isolated and patented. 这种味道就是谷氨酸盐,它广泛存在于日本食物中,特别是昆布(一种类似于海菜的海藻)、熏肉和味精中。池田教授分离出了这种物质并获得专利。
- Ikeda I,Tomari Y,Sugano M. Interrelated effects of dietary fiber and fat on lymphatic cholesterol and triglyceride absorption in rats [J]. J Nutr, 1989,119:1383. 胡同杰;蔡东联;王建军;等.;绿茶预防大鼠脂肪肝的效果[J]
- DAISAKU IKEDA: He is a Japanese Buddhist philosopher and peace-builder and president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) grassroots Buddhist movement (www.sgi.org). 这一些意境在池田先生作品中,可以说是无一不备。
- Its theoretical basis is the peaceful thoughts advocated by Daisaku Ikeda which includes ideas of life dignity, nonviolence and coexistence and world nationalism. 其理论基础是池田大作和平思想,包括生命尊严、非暴力、共生的思想和世界民族主义的理念。
- In Daisaku Ikeda's ideology, peaceful thinking gets a very important position, and it plays a positve and effective role in the post-Cold War world pattern reforming. 摘要在池田大作先生的思想体系中,和平思想占有极其重要的地位,而且在冷战后世界格局的重组方面发挥了积极而有效的作用。
- Daisaku Ikeda[COPYRIGHT IPS] Dialogue is an adventure, an adventure in which anyone can participate.And sometimes its an adventure whose outcome can change history. 池田大作是日本创价学会名誉会长、国际创价学会会长。
- The Mackey-Glass time series, the Ikeda map whose parameter values change with time and the power load time series are applied to test this method, respectively. Mackey-Glass 混沌时间序列、变参数的Ikeda 映射时间序列和电力负荷时间序列预测的仿真结果表明该预测方法的有效性。
- Osaka International Airport is located in Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, Yutaka in the city of Osaka, Ikeda City Airport (first air), referred to as the airport or Osaka Itami Airport. 大阪国际机场是一个位于日本兵库县伊丹市,大阪府豊中市、池田市的机场(第一种空港),简称伊丹机场或大阪机场。
- Irawan, R. S., Y. Ikeda and T. Nishizd. 1995. Determination of individual sugars and acid content in apply by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy. Proceedings of ARBIP95, Kobe, Japan. 103-108. 陈加增。2000。近红外光应用于水果糖酸度线上检测之研究。硕士论文。台北:国立台湾大学农业机械工程学研究所。